~Slow Down~

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Jisung POV~

When I got inside I went straight to his bathroom. I locked the door. I heard soft taps against the door.

"Jisung? Aren't you tired?" Minho's soft sweet voice made me smile a little.
"Y-yeah..." I told him the truth. I didn't know what I was doing. I was scared.
"You can come out... you can sleep In my bed." Minho softly said again leaving light taps on The door.

"I'm scared." I blurted out. I repulsed at what I said covering my mouth.
"Scared? Jisung, what are you scared of?" Minho didn't get angry, he stayed calm talking to me with that sweet voice of his.
"I-I don't want to... uh..." I lost control of my own mouth, stuttering non-stop.

"You're scared of having sex with me?" I jumped back hearing his voice. How could he say something like that so easily. "Jisung, you got me all wrong. I'm not going to make you have sex with me if you don't want to. That would be rape..." Minho reassured me. Again I was shocked by what he said.

Lee Minho, the man that slept with anyone he wanted too was being so... kind.
"I'm not a rapist Jisung. Now come out and get some clothes. You need to shower." I nodded to myself, opening the door slowly.

Minho handed me clothes. His clothes.
"I'll make some food for you. Shower." Minho closed the door and I locked it. I looked at the clothes Minho was letting me borrow. All he had given me was a pair of gray sweatpants.

"Um Minho?" I piped up a little yelling for him.
"Yeah?" He responded as I heard pots and pans clanging around.
"You forgot a shirt..." I shouted so he could hear me clearly.
"No I didn't." Minho responded with only three words. He had done it on purpose.

I decided to ignore that for now getting my shower over with. Minho was right, I did need to shower. It felt so good being fresh and clean. I got out drying my body and slipping on underwear and the pants Minho gave me.

I stared at myself in the mirror for a bit. I wish I had the body Changbin or Minho had. My stomach was flat and I had little too no muscle. My arms were decent but nothing like Changbins. My legs were garbage compared to Minho's thighs. Sometimes I just wish I could change everything.

Worst of all I had a huge scar I would never let anyone see. The scar stretched from my belly button to the middle of my chest vertically. It was ugly. I couldn't let Minho see it. Ir know how I got it. I grabbed the larger T-Shirt I wore earlier today and put it on.

Minho POV~

I decided on cooking kimchi. It was basic, but the only thing I've ever seen Jisung eat is kimchi. After a while the food I was preparing was almost done. I heard a click of a lock and the creak of a door making my head swivel.

I anticipated seeing Jisung shirtless. He wasn't. He wore that damn baggy T-shirt he wore today.
"I gave you no shirt for a reason." I laughed a little annoyed.
"I don't want you to... see me." Jisung replied with a sad expression, flopping down on my bed, his hair still wet.
"Jisung! Get your wet hair off my bed!" I shouted running over and lifting him into a sitting position.
"Hyung..." A cute whine came from Jisungs mouth, making me almost choke.

"Just at least sit up... please." I smiled and moved him So he was against the wall. "Food's done." I rushed over to prepare both of our meals, mine first then Jisung's.

Jisung ate the food like he hadn't eaten in days. I watched the way he ate. He shoved little bits of food into the side of his cheeks before he began to chew. He looked like a squirrel. Suddenly He had finished before I was even close. Jisung returned to my bed remembering to sit up.

Tonight would be the night

What the hell was I thinking? If he doesn't want to do it I can't.

He will enjoy it and You'll get the money.

My head was suddenly spinning. I was torn between two options. I wasn't gonna become some rapist for a bet. I tamed my dirty thoughts and finished my food. I quickly showered, making sure to wash all my thoughts away. When I exited the bathroom Han was still awake.

A set of eyes was locked on me. I had only walked out with a towel wrapped around my waist. I had forgotten my clothes. Jisungs whole body turned red.

Jisung POV~

I stayed awake waiting for my hair to dry while Minho showerd. He didn't take long. When he walked out my eyes stuck out of my head. Heat consumed my body as I scanned Minhos. All he had was a towel.

His stomach was defined and strong as was the rest of his upper body. I tensed up as I looked at him, not breaking eye contact. I felt something in my pants begin to twitch.

"Something wrong?" Minho asked and casually walked past. He had a lot of faith in that towel as it barely held itself up on his hips. I could see everything. Minho's V-line was so defined and his shoulders were broad. The twitching in my pants grew.

"Jisung can you look away? I'm going to change." He told me so casually. My whole body went stiff. "Hello?" Minho raised an eyebrow waiting for me. "I mean I guess you can look if you want. Who am I to stop you?" Minho teased as he grabbed the towel about to drop it.

"Ah-" I let out a small yelp as I turned around quickly facing the wall. I was conflicted on whether I wanted to look or not.

A peak couldn't hurt right?

I turned my head just enough so Minho wouldn't notice. He had already slipped his pants on. His boxers slightly showing through the top of his black sweatpants. I turned my head back around not wanting Minho to see me looking. I kept my head turned until something grabbed me.

"Jisung, I saw you look." Minho muttered in my ear he was hugging me from behind sending chills down my spine. I didn't want Minho to see me like this. I pushed him off of me, Trying to prevent the tent that was forming in my pants.

"P-please s-stop!" I exclaimed. Minho fell off of me. I knew deep down I really did like this man, but I also knew I couldn't let myself become one of his toys.

"I-I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you!" Minho cried out looking at me. I was surprised he actually cared.
"I'm fine... I just want to go back to my apartment..." I uttered. Sitting back down in front of Minho now. I rested my hand in front of my growing erection hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Can I ask you something serious, Jisung?" Minho looked at me with a flat-lined face.
"Um yeah I guess..." I looked at him in the face trying to prepare for what wild words might escape his mouth.

"Why were you so nervous about me seeing your stomach?" Minho had said something I was not expecting. It really was a genuine question, but not something I was willing to tell him.

Maybe I could give him a chance.


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