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Jisung POV~

I didn't care if Minho set it up or not. I wanted my friend back. If it took Minho so be it. I texted Changbin that it was okay and I was sorry too. Someone knocked on my door and it Instantly got my attention. At first I thought it would be Changbin. I opened the door with a smile and reached out to hug who I thought was Changbin.

"You miss me that much?" Hearing Minho's voice I retracted. I pulled my arms back quickly.
"No, no I thought you were Changbin!" I told him off as he reached back in for another hug.
"Listen, I'm sorry about the Changbin thing. I talked to him and worked things out. Do you forgive me?" Minho pleaded giving me puppy dog eyes which I didn't know he was capable of

"Fine, I forgive you for now... If you mess up again, your toast." I put on a serious demeanor and got his attention.
"What exactly would you do about it? Huh?" Minho leaned closer to me, making me flush red. He backed me into my room so we were both inside.

Han River
(3rd person Felix and Hyunjin)

Hyunjin and Felix had settled on a small restaurant to eat at. It was called 'Starbelly' , not a very cool name. Although it was cringy, Hyunjin and Felix thought it was cute and looked good enough. Little did either of them know the restaurant they had entered was for couples mostly.

Hyunjin and Felix had already been seated when they started to notice some things that were off.
"You guys are cute, I'll be your server today!" A nice lady walked up and said to them, Hyunjin didn't notice as he receives compliments all the time but Felix was surprised by this.
"I'll just get water," Hyunjin said First as he adjusted his hair so it sat just right.
"Me too." Felix chimes in.

"Alright, that will be out soon. I just have to say you guys are the cutest couple I've seen here so far." After that the lady left. She left Hyunjin and Felix a blushing mess.
"Did she just say a couple?" Felix asked, still flushed red.
"Uh y-yeah... oh my god we're at a couples restaurant." Hyunjin whispered to Felix. When they both looked around more it became obvious. Most of the people around them were kissing or hugging close to one another.

"I-I don't mind it, it's just a little weird..." Felix smiled hoping Hyunjin would agree. Hyunjin could ask anything of Felix and he would do it in a split second.
"I guess yeah, we already got drinks. What's the point in leaving?" Hyunjin laughed a little, smiling back at Felix cutely. Hyunjins smile was something Felix died for. The way his face lit up and the way his smiley eyes looked were adorable.

Minho POV~

"Uh... umm" Jisung couldn't get a word to form. I loved seeing him flustered. He was so easy to manipulate. I could feel the time was getting closer. I was so close to getting what I wanted. I wanted to ruin this boy. I pinned him to the wall staring straight into his doe eyes.

"I don't think you would be able to do anything. Especially not right now." I smirked through my words. Jisung couldn't do anything but watch as he was trapped between my arms.
"I-" I cut off his words, leaning in and laying my lips against his. At first I thought Jisung would run but he returned the kiss. I and Jisung's tongues fought until he finally gave in. I slipped my tongue into his mouth exploring every area I could.
"M-minho..." Jisung let out a breathy wine in between our kisses. It took every fiber of my being not to push him on the bed and fuck him. I moved back from the kiss slowly.

"What is it?" I asked, catching my breath from the heated kiss.
"I- I just couldn't breathe... I'm okay now." Jisung breathed slowly. I scanned Jisung's Body, noticing his hand in an odd spot. I grabbed his hand from in front of his pants and pinned them on the wall.
"You're already hard? Just from a kiss?" I smirked and all Jisung could do was nod and let out small whines.

"Do you need something baby?" I rested my hand on his check and he nodded. "Use your words..." I patiently waited for his answer as his words developed.
"I- I want you..." Jisung let out a whine holding back his moans.


Getting there...

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