~Don't panic~

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Jisung POV~

I was fed up with Minho, I just needed to tell him to leave me alone. I stormed out from behind the curtain grabbing Minho's arm and pulling him back with me. When I did this I received more stares.

It would be okay though. After I dealt with him the stares would l change direction.

"Why're you pulling me back here?" Minho slightly smiled, stepping closer to me. He was thinking of something completely different.
"Stop being... like that." I mumbled, pushing him away from me.

"Like what?" Minho leaned down a little to look me in the eyes when he asked.
"I want you to leave me be." I admitted, still looking at our shoes.
"Oh, that's gonna be hard for me to do...but if that's really what you want... I can stop." Minho whispered and backed off a little bit. I didn't think he would agree so easily.

Isn't this what I wanted though? I wasn't Even sure at that point. I felt my heart skip a beat. It was like I couldn't breathe. Why did I feel like I wanted him to stay?

Minho POV~

Jisung suddenly let out a choking sound.
"Are you okay?" I leaned down and cupped Jisungs cheeks, lifting his head so he was looking at me.

"I forgot... how t-to b-breathe..." Jisung stutterd over his words. His breathing became rapid and choppy.
"You're okay. You'll be fine..." I patted him on the shoulder. I couldn't tell if this was from all the coffee he's been drinking or something else. Jisung lowered himself to the floor trying to take deep breaths but when he did he began coughing.

"Damn Jisung, I told you coffee can hurt you!" I yelled, sitting down on the ground as well. I didn't know how to help with this sort of thing so I rested my hand on his shoulder trying to keep myself calm as well.

Tears began to form in his eyes. He tried to hold them back but he couldn't contain it. I reached my hand over, wiping what I could away.

"M-minho... h-help..." Jisung let out a breathy whine. I listened though, finally realizing I could help him if I got other people.

"Jeongin!" I ran out from behind the curtains shouting his name. I remembered Jeongins name from when Jisung had said it. The boy I called came running.

I showed him Jisung and I knew what I had to do.
I lowered down to the ground, lifting Jisung into my arms. His legs were wrapped around my hips and his chest was against mine. I held onto his thighs and Jisung hung his hands over my shoulder trying to help keep himself stable.

Me and Jeongin ran out from behind the curtains rushing to the nurse we had on campus. Luckily she was in the same building.

I lied Jisung down and Jeongin began to talk to him.
"Jisung? Jisung? You're gonna be okay..." The freshmen reassured him nonstop. All Jisung could do was nod before his breath became rapid again.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked the nurse, urging her for an answer.
"It was a coffee induced panic attack... He must have gotten worked up by something already making him upset. Then the coffee must have kicked in making it hard to breathe." The woman informed us constantly checking to see how Jisung was doing.

"How do we get it to go away?" Jeongin asked for me, still laying close to Jisung.

"Well he will calm down soon, you just have to wait this stuff out. To prevent it he definitely needs to drink less coffee. When he drinks it it heightens his anxiety levels. This causes him to be even more shaky and jittery, and as you saw today it can lead to things like panic attacks..." the woman gave us a paper explaining everything.

"Has he eaten today?" She asked pointing at Jisung.
"I don't know, I assume he ate breakfast..." I answered, trying to speak for him. Jisung shook his head. "Uh nevermind he hasn't eaten." I changed my answer quickly.

"Well eating will help solve the problem as well, if he does end up drinking a lot of coffee, eating will help absorb it." I nodded in response as did Jeongin.

We left the nurses office. I held Jisung on my back this time. Jeongin and I decided it would be good if we took him home.
"I can walk on my own." I heard an exasperated voice say into my ear.
"No, you need to calm down and relax." I shot back at Jisung quickly. That shut him up.

Jisung POV~

Even though I offered to walk I didn't want to. Minho's back was comfortable. I barely kept myself awake the whole time we walked to his car.

"Are you guys dating?" Jeongin asked, thinking I was asleep.
"Yeah," Minho couldn't Help laughing as he answered Jeongin. I decided to not say anything until Jeongin opened that big mouth of his again.

"Did you... sleep with him?" Leaning closer, Jeongin asked Minho.
"Hm, not yet." Minho's hands tightens on the back of my thighs. He knew I was still awake.

Why won't he leave me alone?

"I-I won't sleep with you!" I semi-shouted moving around on Minho's back.
"Stop moving, I can't hold you if you do that!" Minho immediately yelled back at me. He almost fell, but I listened and stopped.

Jeongin stayed silent watching us fight like a married couple.
"How do you know that?" Minho replied to the thing I said earlier.
"Because I won't!" I announced as we made it to the car. Minho sat me down in the back so I could lie down.

"I'm gonna head home... see you tomorrow Jisung." Jeongin smiled waving goodbye and I waved back

I fell asleep in the back while Minho made his way to our apartment.

Before I knew it I felt somebody grabbing my legs and pulling me up into their arms. It was Minho.

"We're home." Minho sat me down as he saw I was awake. I didn't say it but I wished I had faked sleeping.
We walked up the stairs together. When I saw Changbin again. He was on the third floor looking at me.

I decided to wave but my hand was caught. Minho had grabbed my hand and locked our hands together. Blush spread across my checks as I tried to get free of his grip. I couldn't get free.

We reached our floor when I realized I forgot my keys at school. I couldn't Tell Minho he's ask me to stay at his place.

It made me think of things I shouldn't.

I thought Minho would stop at his door and say goodbye to me, but I was wrong. Minho walked all the way to my door. He stood behind me waiting for me to unlock my door.

"I-I um..." I started to admit it.
"Spit it out." Minho annoyingly said.
"I forgot my keys..." I didn't make eye contact with him. I already knew his wide smirk was on his face.

"Guess you'll just have to stay at my place..." Minho reached out, tucking a hair behind my ear before grabbing my arm. "Come on, I can't have you sleeping in the hallway." I couldn't even respond. He pulled me along with him. To be completely honest... I was terrified.


Sorry another long chapter 😭
Also working on editing it right now

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