~Unholy shit~

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Jisung POV~

"Uh~ Jisung... You're...s-so good..." whines and whimpers escaped his mouth.


I shot up from my bed, I could feel my face fully turning red. I was burning up. What the hell was I dreaming about?!

Even though I was awake I heard another whimper. At first I thought I was imagining it but it grew louder.

"J-Jisung...~" a moan escaped a man's mouth again. Someone was moaning my name...
SOMEONE WAS MOANING MY NAME! I started to freak out. Who the hell was it and why me. I started to think things through. Maybe somebody else is having some fun with someone else named Jisung?

"Hann... ah~" I was wrong. The moans made my stomach fill with butterflies. The man was moaning MY name. Loud and clear. The heat I felt got worse and worse. I moved closer to the wall my bed was against. I tried to get rid of the sounds, but they got louder.

Then I realized... it was coming from my neighbors room... the guy that saw me fall... was moaning my name. The realization hit me again he was probably jerking off. He was jerking off to me...

I got off my bed and ran to my bathroom. I couldn't let that happen, not now, and not to someone I don't even know. I wasn't letting this guy turn me on.
I looked in the mirror to see a tomato staring back at me.

"Snap out of it Jisung! Get a grip!" I began to talk to myself. I turned the faucet on, splashing cold water on my face. The more I told myself to get a grip the more I couldn't believe this was real.

The hot guy next door was moaning my name. What kind of fantasy world was I living in? So many thoughts were going through my head.
How did that guy know my name?
Why did he like me?
And I don't even know his name.

"JISUNG CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" I screamed way too loud. The guy moaning probably heard me. The panic set in. "Oh shit..." I rushed to my bed checking the time on my phone.


I grabbed my pillow covering my ears and turning on my stomach. I wanted to touch myself so bad but I bit my lip and suppressed the feeling.
"Fall asleep, Fall asleep, Fall asleep..." I repeated the words over and over, but nothing was working.

Minho POV~

Once 11pm hit I knew what to do. I had to get into Han Jisung's head. I knew this would be embarrassing to the other people around me but I wanted that money. Some people bet hundreds. I need it.

"Uh~ Jisung... You're...s-so good..." I started whimpering. It was fake of course I wasn't actually jerking off to some boy I barely know. I raised my voice louder making all the noises I knew how to.

"U-ugh~" I had been going at it for about forty minutes when I heard the scream I had been waiting for.
"JISUNG CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" Jisungs cracking and shaking voice screamed. Just what I wanted. Just what I needed.

I didn't stop, I couldn't not now. I knew Jisung was being tempted. I knew he wanted to do what I was pretending to do.

I quieted my moans a little making sure I was as close to the wall that separated us as possible.
"Oh, Jisung you can't escape it can you?" I mumbled. I knew he couldn't hear me say it, but I didn't care. This bet is gonna be over in one fucking night. I'm gonna ruin him.

Jisungs POV~

I was able to suppress the feeling for the night, but to do it I had to sacrifice my sleep.

The alarm I set for 8am went off but it didn't even faze me. I stood up slowly dragging my whole body to the alarm. I hit the off button yawning. I decided I would just have to live off coffee today.

I opened the fridge and pulled out another coffee. I wouldn't run out anytime soon either. I had around ten more bottles of this stuff. I pulled my backpack to the fridge and stuffed about three more bottles into my bag.

Quickly I drank the one I got out and headed to pick out an outfit. The coffee was just enough to keep my eyes from closing.

I picked out clothes that practically looked like pajamas. Gray sweatpants and a big T-shirt. I didn't put any jewelry on. Finally I finished off my routine with washing my face. I didn't feel like putting makeup on today.

I checked my phone. It was 8:50 am already; School began at 9:15.
"Shit!" I grabbed the converse I wore yesterday and tugged the laces tight making two bunny ears and tieing them both off. Rushing I grabbed my bag and almost tripped (again) falling out the door.

When I got outside I immediately noticed him. The boy left his room as well. I guess we had our first classes at the same time. I looked away from him, quickly locking my door. I couldn't let him see me like this... he might think that I was... nevermind.

I walked past the beautiful boy who looked so much more put together than me. He then stopped me grabbing my shoulders.

"Good morning!" The boy turned my shoulders so I was looking at him.
"G-good morning..." I stumbled over my words. I knew my face was turning pink.
"Are you alright? You look tired." The boy asked, smirking. He knew.
"I- I am." I managed to get two words out without completely falling apart.

"Why? What kept you up all night?" The brown eyed boy knew exactly what he was doing. I looked at the floor for a bit before looking up. The same smirk appeared again. My face was already red, there was no use hiding it. He looked so much nicer than he did yesterday. I looked at him a bit longer not realizing it was a weird thing to do.

"Am I that cute? My name is Minho." Minho wiped his smirk away, giving me a genuine smile. So that was his name, Minho. He really did look like a Minho.

"Are you a sophomore?" I really wanted to leave but Minho wouldn't stop hammering me with questions.
"Yeah... I'm 21..." I told him that too just in case he was planning on asking for my age. Suddenly I felt something touching my waist. It was Minho's sly

"W-what-." I didn't try stop him, I didn't know what to do.
"I'm a junior, 23." I was barely listening to him at all. I was staring at where his hand was.
"I- I have t-to go..." I pushed his hand off my waist weakly. I needed another coffee already.

"Do you want a ride?" When I heard Minho say that my mind went completely the wrong direction and I covered my face. Minho leaned down to my ear. I felt his lips brush against my ear. His breaths were soft.

"Although the ride you're thinking of sounds heavenly... I just meant a ride to school..." Minho whispered. He stretched out his sentence making his morning voice sound so soothing. It had an effect on me. sending chills down my spine.

That's when I knew, Minho was gonna be hard to resist.


This chap was a bit longer then the others sorry about that.

Anyways... you like it?

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