~you gay?~

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Minho POV~

"Why do you want me to help your friend?" I wondered why he doesn't want me to help him get in a relationship.
"Well you're close to the person he likes." Changbin explained and I instantly knew who he was talking about.

"Hyunjin?" I wondered

"Yeah, Lix likes him."

"I can try to help you but Hyunjin is always bouncing around to different girls. Also I don't even know if he likes guys..."

"I'll help you even if your attempt fails, I really want to make Lix happy." Changbin looked back at the blonde boy who was lost in conversation with Seungmin. "Lix hasn't been happy in a while, he's always putting on a fake smile and he really needs this." Changbin gave me an awkward smile.

"Okay, fine deal." I sealed it, but I was worried Hyunjin might leave Lix more hurt then he already is.
"Thank you so much I'll go talk to Lix now!" Changbin was too chipper, it grossed me out. I had no clue how he was Jisungs best friend.

Jisung POV~

Finding Changbin was harder than I thought it would be. I had been looking for an hour when I finally ran into Jeongin.

"Jeongin!" I screamed out running up to him. Jeongin returned the hug smiling cutely.
"Changbin told me he's setting Lix up with Hyunjin." Jeongin suddenly dropped the weirdest news on me.

"Why the hell would Felix want a guy like Hyunjin?" I rolled my eyes. Hyunjin and Minho weren't that different. Hyunjin was just... a little worse.
"I'm not sure but I'm supporting my friend no matter what!" Jeongin cheered and smiled. Jeongin smiled a little too much. Sometimes I wondered if it was fake.

"Where's Changbin? I need to talk to him." I told Jeongin quickly, grabbing his shoulders.
"Geez, uh I don't know he was with your boyfriend." Jeongin got a little scared as I held his shoulders. I let go.
"He's not my fucking boyfriend!" I snapped at Jeongin, annoyed.
"Sorry..." Jeongin backed away, I felt bad but how could he say someone like Minho was his boyfriend.

Minho POV~

"Hyunjinnn..." I tapped him on the back. I met up with him in the only class we had today before lunch. It was Art/design. I continued to pester him while he was painting.
"What." He whined rolling his eyes at me.
"Can I ask you something serious?" I questioned although it wasn't super serious.

"Do you only like girls?" I stayed quiet so I wouldn't disturb anyone around us. Hyunjin gave me a confused look.
"Why, you want me that badly?" Hyunjin laughed. He was just so full of himself.
"What? No. It's for a friend." I pushed him back and he acted like I shot him. "Stop being dramatic and answer my question." I demanded and he pouted.
"Who's the friend?" Hyunjin was still asking questions. I rolled my eyes unsure if I should tell him or not.

"I'll tell you if you answer the question." I lied but Hyunjin fell for it.
"I've dated guys before. I can't believe you didn't know that." Hyunjin flipped his hair waiting for me to tell him who I was talking about.
"I'm not telling you but thanks!" I went back to my painting. Hyunjin gave me a side eye.

The day passed by quickly and Changbin and I had already formed a plan. I had texted Hyunjin to meet me at Han river and I would pick him up there. Changbin had texted Felix to go to Han river and Hyunjin would be there. Hyunjin was gullible so he said yes and Lix said yes because he wanted to see Hyunjin.

After school Han river~
(3rd person)

Hyunjin had already arrived at Han river; he had gotten there a bit early. He checked the time it was 6:02 pm. Minho had told him they would go eat dinner together. Hyunjin believed it. Not soon after Hyunjin arrived another boy Hyunjin didn't recognize walked over standing kind of close to him.

It took Hyunjin a bit but he figured out who it was. It was Felix, a sophmore that went to his college. Felix's freckles stood out which made Hyunjin even more sure it was him.

"You're Felix right?" Hyunjin asked sincerely.
"Um yeah." Lix smiled at the fact Hyunjin knew who he was. Felix had thought he was nothing compared to Hyunjin who everyone knew. To Felix Hyunjin was ethereal. The conversation went silent. It became awkward for a second until Hyunjin suggested something.

"Minho was supposed to pick me up. We were gonna go out to eat, but I think he ghosted me. You wanna go get something to eat?" Hyunjin smiled wide pulling his jacket up around him more as the river was making it quite cold.
"Yeah I'm actually really hungry." Lix smiled at Hyunjins suggestion. This was what Lix wanted to happen. Hyunjin thought Lix was cute, but he didn't exactly think of him how Lix thought of Hyunjin.

Neither of them had a car they would have to walk. Hyunjin took in the beautiful sight of Han river as the sunset. All Lix could look at was Hyunjin as the sun reflected off his soft skin. The skin Lix wanted to kiss so bad.

"You have really nice skin, Hyunjin." Lix attempted to compliment Hyunjin without making it weird.
"Huh, oh thanks... I think you have nice freckles." Hyunjin returned the compliment like it was nothing. Blush covered Felix's face and his freckles.

They reached an area lined with stores and places to eat that would be hard to choose. They both were indecisive people. It was gonna be hard. 

Jisung POV~

It was getting late when I felt my phone ring. It was Changbin. I Read it.
'Jisung I'm so sorry I haven't been talking to you, it had nothing to do with Minho'
To me it sounded like a set up. It had to be Minho's doing. I couldn't decide if I should find it cute that he's trying to solve what he did. Or if I should find it annoying that he is getting involved in my personal life.


A/N ~
I hope you don't mind me adding in Hyunlix just as a kind of side story. Of course I'm going to try to stay focused on Minsung I just thought it could be cute.

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