~Relationship Ruiner~

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Kinda Uneventful chap sorry <3


Jisung POV~

"Ji?" Minho questioned me again.
Ji? It was just a nickname, but it felt nice to have someone call me it. I got lost in my own thoughts then finally answering Minho.

"Sorry, it's just something I don't really wanna talk about..."

"Oh... do you not like the way you look?" Minho's face became pouty. I still didn't say anything, still embarrassed about the scar.

Minho POV~

As much as I wanted to rip his shirt off and see what he was hiding, I didn't. I felt like complimenting him non stop telling him he was beautiful. I didn't do that either.

He was nothing more than a bet.

I got a grip of myself and stopped being so soft. All I could say to him was.
"It's okay..." The words drug out of my mouth. Jisungs eyes were glistening with water. I didn't mean to make him cry. I didn't want him to cry.

"I just want to go to bed..." Jisungs cracked voice hurt me. Why did I fucking care?
"Yeah sure..." I got off the bed allowing Jisung to lie down.
"Do you want me to sleep on the floor?" He asked, touching his slightly wet hair.
"It's fine you can just sleep in my bed..." As much as I wanted to sleep in the same bed as the cute boy I didn't. Maybe tomorrow will be the night...

Jisung POV~

Minho was so kind he let me sleep in his bed. With my wet hair too. I Lied down in the bed as Minho turned the lights off and laid down on a blanket and pillow he set on the floor.

For some reason he fell asleep before me. I couldn't believe how I let him sleep like that. I treated him horribly today when all he did was be nice. This just topped it all off.

I couldn't get much sleep that night, the boner that formed in my pants earlier today was still there. I decided not to deal with it. The thought of doing it at someone else's house was embarrassing to me.

"Ji. Wake up." A voice breathed into my ear.
"H-hmm... no..." I responded, digging my face deeper under the covers.
"Jisung we're gonna be late if you don't wake up." Minho pulled the covers off of me immediately, making me jolt up and cover my arms for warmth.
"There you're awake, hurry up." Minho rolled his eyes a little. He had a pinched expression on his face. Was he annoyed?

I changed and gathered my things.
"I'm gonna ride with my friend..." I said quickly about opening the door but my attempt was unsuccessful.
"I don't think so. Ride with me." Minho stopped me from opening the door.


"No buts, you. are. riding. with. me." He emphasized each word.
"Fine." I gave in. I was still scared of him and he already looked annoyed. Making him more mad wouldn't help.

We left the apartment but not without passing by Changbin. This time Minho didn't touch me. I waved and smiled just to revive nothing back. Changbin acted like I was invisible. I couldn't help getting mad.

Once I got in Minho's car I stopped him from putting his keys into the ignition.
"Do you know what you did?" I raised my voice a little while sitting so I was facing him. "Changbin won't even wave at me! He's been my best friend since fourth grade and you ripped that away from me!" I kept my grip strong on his hand.

"Ji I-"

"I'm not done talking! He just acted like I was invisible! And now I have to go solve this and tell him it was my fault when It wasn't!" I let go of his hand and we drove in silence to the school.

I pulled out my phone and texted Changbin.

                                                 Can we talk at school?
                                                             Read 9:05 am


A box appeared and Changbin began typing. The box then disappeared leaving 'Read 9:05 am' below my text.

Damn it

I got off my phone and left Minho's car without a word. That guy was too hard to understand, and my comprehension levels weren't high.

Minho's POV~

Jisung left my car without a word. I watched as he walked away. I wasn't gonna try to stop him. I was gonna solve the problem I started. I headed into the school on a mission to find Changbin.

As soon as I entered the school I realized how hard this would probably be. We went to a college with more than two thousand people.

"Minho!" Hyunjin ran up to me punching me in the shoulder. "Dude, has it happened yet? I saw him limping yesterday." I didn't have time for Hyunjin right now. I needed to find Changbin.
"No not yet... have you s-" I kept looking around while Hyunjin pestered me.

"Really? Your charm didn't work?" Hyunjin questioned while trying to get me to look at him.

"Minho, what are you looking for? Also where's Jisung?"

"Hyunjin I don't have the time right now."


"Hyunjin, I'm serious. Have you seen Changbin?"

"Jisung's pathetic friend?" Hyunjin made me angry but for some reason I could not put up with him today.

"Hyunjin, if you can't help, please stop talking."

"Geez, fine I saw him earlier he was by the bathroom at the stairs."

"This building?" I asked, looking at him.

"Yes, this Building dipshit!" Hyunjin really annoyed me sometimes, but today I couldn't stand him.

"Hyunjin I swear to god if you don't leave right now, I'm gonna kill you. Go talk to your hoes or something!"

"Gladly!" Hyunjin sarcastically said, rolling his eyes, running his hand through his long blonde hair.

I swear we're friends just in a very aggressive way. When I reached the area Hyunjin told me. I saw Changbin talking to a couple people. He was talking to Felix and Seungmin. Not that I cared.

"Changbin, we need to talk." I grabbed his arm, noticing how strong he really was.
"Huh? You!" Changbin instantly turned on me.
"I can explain everything. I'm sorry, okay." Changbin stopped. Lowering his guard.

"Sorry Lix and Seungmin I'll be back in a few minutes I swear." Changbin followed me as I took him to a remote location. Under the stairs. It wasn't the best but I had to deal with the circumstances.

"I can help you if you help me." I told him He nodded, waiting for me to explain. "I will help you get back Jisung and then when that happens Ji will talk to me again." I swallowed nervously hoping he would accept my offer.

"Only if you accept my requirements." Changbin laughed at me as I thought I would get my way.
"What?" I asked confused i thought he would just be happy to have his friend back. I guess not.

"You have to help hook up my friend."

What the hell did I just get myself into?


Unedited just trying to get a chapter up today!
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