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Ashley's POV

Okay, here goes. I step into his office leaving the door a little ajar. I put my bag beside the chair and just as I am about to sit his voice interrupts me.

"Close the door."

"W...why ?" I ask wearily.

"Close. It. Ashley" he says exasperated.

His reply leaves no room for argument. I cautiously close it and leave the door unlocked and then take my chair and start my homework. I don't dare to look up at him. But it doesn't take genius to know that he is burning holes into my head.

Several minutes pass and there is pin drop silence. No one says anything. I don't dare look up. But he is still gazing at me. It's getting quite annoying really.

"Why didn't you answer me ?" His voice slices the silence.

"What ?" I ask confused. Then it dawns upon me what he is asking about. " Oh "

"Again. What are you two ? Dating ? In love ? Fuck buddies ? Friends with benifits ? " He growls.

"Mr. Mason I think it is a highly inappropriate question."

"Answer me !" He shouts. Where is everyone. This office is surely not soundproof. I just wish someone hears his voice and rescues me.

"No. Why should I ? What's it to you ? Why are you so interested ? You made yourself very clear. You don't want me. Then why the fuck do you want to know ? Huh ? Why the fuck do you care if I go out and just die. It shouldn't concern you. You have no right to be angry. Yes I had a fantasy of a loving mate. Someone who cares. Cares. That would be a very foreign word to you. Wouldn't it ? Everything you're not. So I am trying to move on. Follow my dreams. And go away. Away from here. From everyone. WHY WOULD YOU CARE ? CANT YOU JUST LET ME BE ?! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT GROWLING AT ME MR."

I finally loose it. Who the fuck does he think he is ? Growling at me ? I take a deep breath and a smile makes it way to my face. I feel good. I feel as if a weight had been lifted off me. I sigh happily.

He states at me wide eyed. I raise one eyebrow. Now he gets it through his thick skull ? He can't just push me around. He can't just keep giving me mixed signals. He needs to make up his bloody mind.

"Dont. Ever. Use. That. Tone. On. Me." He growls the words. Great. Of course all he would notice is that. Bloody fucking stubborn Alphas.

"Get lost. Make up your mind, Cole. You don't get to push me around like that if you want nothing to do with me. Stop with the mixed signals" I growl. I now completely loose my cool.

Now normally I am not a very short tempered person. But he pushes my buttons like no one else. And when I do get angry, its not a pretty sight. Trust me.

He looks taken aback. He gazes at me with big eyes. Starring. Then someone knocks on the door breaking him out of his reverie. His jaw clenches.

"Come in" he says without any emotion. And in comes Josh. What ? Didn't he leave ?

"Mr. Mason, I have detention today, principal sent me. Here's my detention slip." Josh says then turns to me.

'Didn't you leave ?' I mouth at him.

'You really think I would me!be you alone with him ?' He mouths back.

You see me and Josh, we're pretty close. But it's just that. Friends. We don't need words or mind link we can understand each other by just looking at each others faces. Pretty cool.

'Thanks' I mouth back.

"Ahem" a throat clears. We both snap out neck to Cole.

"If you two have done flirting please have a seat, Josh. And no talking." He says.

"Yeah" Josh replies back. He is a lifesaver. Truly.

He sits beside me and gives me a side smile. I reply with one of my grins. Then I start my homework. 20 minutes into the detention and no one says anything.

Suddenly Josh turns to me and says, "Do you have an extra pen ?" I eye him suspiciously and then hand over my whole bag.

"Self-service"I mutter and then I continue. Josh opens my first chain and pulls out a pen. Then keeps my bag with him and continues his work.

"How do you know where she keeps her things ?" Cole says.

Josh just shrugs. I look up at Cole to find him raging. I clear my throat and the bell rings. Signalling the end of detention.

I sigh loudly and both heads turn to me. I roll my eyes and pack my bag. When I am about to leave Cole stops me and asks, "How will you get home ?"

Josh replies for me, " oh I will drop her. I always drop her. You see she lives in the city. Not with the pack. Someone's gotta make sure she is safe right ? Alpha Cole ?" Josh smirks. What the he'll is going on ? Has he figured out Cole is my mate ?

Cole's jaw clenched but let's us go. I thought this would never end. As soon as we near his bike I ask him, "You left. How.... ?" I am at a loss of words.

"The way he gets angry and all alpha possessive on me when I talk to you, it's pretty obvious. You are mates. But he isn't ready to accept you. He has been through a lot. My dad dug up on him when he decided to take a treaty with us.

But give it time. He will. And I will help you. We won't make him jealous. Trust me. But we will make him jealous. Cuz... let's admit it. We can't even act about dating. We would gross out. We are practically like siblings. So I would do these little little things where it shows I know more about you then anyone. Hell I do know about you then anyone and he would be furious that someone else is close to you as he should be.

And viola. He will accept you." Josh is out of breath when he finishes.

"But I don't want him to accept me because of it. I want him to accept me because of me. You know ? Cuz... after he knows what happened to me, he would probably reject me...."

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