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You glow on a different level as you pack up work to leave for Jungkook's secret place. You just came out of a 2 hour long meeting where your client didn't treat you very well but it didn't matter as you were going to meet Jungkook.

When you drove on your way your music even though on shuffle played all sorts of breezy, light hearted, love songs and you couldn't help but smile at it.

You remember the first time you saw and met Jungkook. Both of your families were sitting around a big circular table in a very formal manner yet trying to be casual. You observed carefully how Jungkook was kind, polite and endearing in his ways. You had never seen such a chivalrous man before. The way he respected Dahyun and your parents was really nice. And since that moment he had took up a little blank space somewhere in your heart.

When you reached the location, Jungkook waited for you in front of the small building. You were right in imagining the smile on his face. His eyes shined with happiness as he waited for you to come out of the car.

"I'll park, get outside" He said asking you to come outside and took your place in the drivers seat parking your car in the parking area.

"I'm good at parking" You tell him making him giggle.

"Hey" He says putting his hand on your waist and guiding you towards the stairs to his studio apartment which nobody knows about.

When you come inside, he closes the door behind you and walks ahead keeping your purse on a chair.

"Can I go change? I came directly from work but this isn't exactly comfortable" You ask taking out clothes from your purse to which he utters a quick "Yeah sure".

He waits for you near the railing of the balcony, gaze stuck at the door, each minute another long interval between two lovers union.

When you walk towards him in your black lace bralette and peach pleated skirt, it's very hard to tell if he's even blinking. One might say it's not him but a wax statue.

You walk upto him slowly and when your bodies touch, your chest pressed to his, his hands on your waist, it all feels real then. You'd thought you would never get to feel this touch on your body again in this lifetime. Life is always a step ahead and here you are in his arms, mouths locked with each other's. Impossible to tell who tastes likes what. Your heart beats as fast as you think it possibly can and you feel complete, you never want this moment to end and have to move on from this.

When you pull away Jungkook seems resistant trying to keep his mouth on yours. You plant a kiss on his forehead and he smiles.

"I can't believe this" He mutters.

"I know, neither can I." You reply touching his cheeks. You don't want to take your hands off him for even a second, savor each possible moment with him to it's fullest.

"Dahyun's pregnant. Seems like you're gonna have to give your name to the baby. Congrats you're gonna be a dad." You tell him with a very tiny smile that indicates sadness instead of merriment.

"At least that means I won't have to do it with her."

"Jungkook" You shake your head from left to right.

"It's hard for me y/n. I can't get you out of my head. Everytime I look at her I can't help but think about you instead." He says pressing your body closer to his.

"I don't care if you do it thinking about me. You gotta do it. She's making sacrifices for this. She wants that baby and she wants a family with you. She'll love you Jungkook and be by your side no matter what. You gotta do it right."

"Each moment I'll be thinking about you and wish it was with you instead." He says cupping your face. You exhale an audible sigh.

"But I'll try my best at being a husband to Dahyun and being a dad to her baby or our..." He tells you when you hug him closely. He buries his face in your hair and you feel your shoulder getting wet with his tears. You caress his head running your fingers through his hair.

"Life's hard for people like you and me" You say as he pulls apart leading you inside the room and gently pushes you towards the wall your back pressed to it. His hands reach under your dress and his fingers circle your inner thighs while his mouth is busy kissing your neck.

He squeezes your ass exposed from the dainty panties you changed into. When he brings his hand up he slides down the strap from your shoulder leaving your breasts revealed for him to dive into. He sucks your nipples and kneads your mounds as your back archs from the wall and soft moans leave your mouth.

"I have a contraceptive patch on my back so just be careful around that" You tell him as his hand covers your back and then is wrapped around your nape. He avoids touching the area.

You insert your hands into his sweatpants and stroke his hardened length from above his boxers.

He stands straight to look into your eyes as you feel his hands reach up between your thighs and push aside the cloth of your underwear from your pussy. The direct touch of his finger on your clit makes you whimper in pleasure. His touch feels altogether different and magical. He strokes you very slowly.

"I want you... like this..." He whispers leaning towards your ear and then nibbles on your earlobe trailing wet kisses down your neck.

"Please..." You reply with your mind traveling to another realm. "You were so gentle with me last time. I can take more than that." You tell him when he smirks at you.

"Oh yeah let's see" He says pushing his hair back.

He pulls himself away from your body and slips his pants down to his knees while watching you remove your panty with a visible wet spot on it.

He turns you around in a swift movement grasping your hands above your head with his one hand holding your wrists together. He lifts the skirt up to look at your hips. You look at his face near your shoulder as your bodies stick together. His dick grinding between the crack of your butts. He keeps holding your skirt around your waist.

"Jungkook..." You take his name which comes out as a moan. He leaves hold of your wrists and cups your pussy instead rubbing it with his palm, spreading the wetness gushing out of your hole all over it.

You moan as you breath heavily. "I wanna... look at you... please..." You request him and he turns you towards him. You hold your skirt gathering the sheer cloth in your fist. It's unnecessary that you're still wearing it but both of you ignore it and keep going..

"You're so pretty..." He says as he holds his cock rubbing the tip over your slit making you moan. He strokes your clit with it before positioning it with your hole. He steals a short kiss before he starts to enter you. The sight is filthy but fulfilling to you.

Your left leg is wrapped around his waist and your right arm around his shoulder while he moves in and out of you slowly but rhythmically. The small space soon gets filled with sloppy noises and your moans.

When he's buried deep inside you, he creates a gap between you two and looks down at where you both are joined.

"We fit so perfectly. Look at us, joined beautifully. How come the world is telling us we're not meant to be?" He pulls out with just the tip inside before thrusting inside deeply. He does it a couple more times but at a slow pace.

"Fuck me harder Jungkook..." You decide to use your words and he gets his motivation. "I'm close" You add.

With your leg wrapped around him tightly he starts moving faster and deeper with each thrust starting to groan himself. His mouth remains open and his eyebrows furrowed as he continues to fuck you passionately.

You come with your walls squeezing him hard as he keeps moving, your thighs shake and so does your whole body and you let out a deep moan. Jungkook does final couple of thrusts and orgasms filling you up, with his body trembling and pressing upon you.

You put your leg down still holding your skirt as he slowly pulls out of you and watches his cum drip out. He smiles wiping the cum spilled on your thighs with his thumb.

"God I wanna do this so many more times in so many more ways you've got no idea. I wanna eat you out and fill you up and take you at all these places and make you come so hard so many times that you lose count." You chuckle listening to his words as he leans with his hand beside your head on the wall.
He giggles looking at you smile.

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