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None of you both realised that you'd fallen asleep in each others arms on the couch. You were both so comfortable to drown into slumber so deeply that you didn't move even in an inch completely fitting the little space. It was only in the morning when Yejun woke up and pulled Jungkook's hand that you woke up.

"Daddy wake up" he said asking him to wake up.

"Yeah honey I'm waking up..." Jungkook says sitting up rubbing his eyes.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked his son who kept looking at both of you as you sat up beside Jungkook trying to find your glasses on the coffee table to wear them.

"Daddy... I wet the bed by mistake..." Yejun said innocently rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's okay baby"

"I was scared in my sleep"

"Was it a bad dream?"

"Yes" he said as he walked with Jungkook to his bedroom to help him change his clothes and sheets. Although he was still little so there was still a mattress protector on his bed as he was still prone to having such accidents.

"A big monster was trying to take you away. But I fought him and he tried to bite me..."

"It does sound scary. You don't have to worry monsters don't exist"

"Daddy why were you sleeping with aunty? and why did you not sleep on bed? Couch is not for sleeping" he says quiet loudly that it is even audible to you.

"Look Jun sometimes even grown ups are scared to be alone... so we slept there okay?"

"Yes okay" he says as Jungkook makes him wear a fresh pair of pants and brings him outside.

"When will I go to school? I don't like being at home so much..." he says as you both look at each other.

"You really wanna go to school?" Jungkook asks him and he nodded positively. The child was resilient you thought.

"OK so we'll ask your sister if she also wants to go. Otherwise you can still go from tomorrow." He mutters okay before running to Ria's room to wake her up.

"It's been whatt twenty five days Jungkook. They've not stepped outside the house. It's normal to feel suffocated. And they miss her more when they're at home."

"Even I feel like going out sometimes. But then I don't really wanna face people"

"Jungkook look if you don't face the world how will they? I'm right here whenever you need me."

"You need to go back to your own life"

"I'm considering staying longer" 

Since you'd lost your job, you shifted to another country and studied for a degree there while working a part time job. People did get shocked when you mentioned how your life went down but for the first time in your life you were on your own and that made you feel liberated like you never knew you could. After college you found a much better job and lived in solitude happily. You didn't feel the need for anyone and it helped you rebuild your relationship with yourself. You'd been in and out of toxic and healthy relationship since your teens but the last three years that you spent alone you regained a new perspective to life.

But after you heard about Dahyun's death that too from a friend of hers who had kept in touch with you after your divorce, you couldn't bear the thought of Jungkook and children left behind alone. You knew very well how your families were and that Jungkook wasn't particularly close to any of them. His own inability to process his grief would result in his children being neglected and that's why you took a leave with all your remaining leaves for the year and came back where you hadn't planned to come back.

"Daddy... Ria says she also wants to go to school..." Yejun comes jumping out of the room and informs Jungkook.

"OK then you both can resume from tomorrow... is that okay? I don't wanna force you guys"

"No dad it's okay. Mom wouldn't have liked us missing school for so many days" Ria says when Jungkook kisses her forehead before she goes to the bathroom with her brother to brush.

Jungkook turns towards you before saying "Well welcome to the new level of childcare. Schooling is another battle you've got to face every day."

"Oh my god is it really that hard"

"There's a lot. Waking them up in the morning, packing tiffins, then giving a shower, getting ready, breakfast, then after school activities, homework, sports. Dahyun was really good at all of this. I did help but she took the lead in most of these things. I always used to remain in awe of her spirit."

"I guess we'll figure it out. I'm sure they'll do their best too... you've good children Jungkook" he smiles slightly for the first time in weeks.

"I was thinking maybe you should consider having the kids meet a therapist. It might be better to start early and resolve issues before they become something bigger. We are trying but I don't feel like we're able to communicate very well with them. Yejun's having nightmares and even Ria... I don't think she's able to express herself her very well. She tends to hide her feelings."

"I think I should."

"Even you should seek help. You are bottling it up too. You need to learn to cope up with it Jungkook."

"Look the children are the first priority here"

"Jungkook they won't be happy if you're not..."

"It's hard... its very hard... but I'll try my best."

"Trust me it helps. It helped me a lot after... everything.."

"Why are you doing so much for us y/n?" Jungkook asks looking deeply in your eyes.

"I want them to grow up well Jungkook. Not like us... I have nobody to call my own in this world. They are the closest thing and Dahyun always used to ask me to look after her family if something happens..."

"I can't believe you sometimes. We didn't keep contact with you when you were going through so much.. and you came running from another corner of the world... I feel so bad and I'm so sorry..."

"I just don't wanna regret anything. And it's also because the children know me and you... you know me too..."

"Thank you so much for being here."

"Maybe one day I'll leave but right now is too soon..."

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