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First of all thanks to all the people who read this story and comment on it regardless of it being cringy and cliché (also filthy), you guys light up my day ♡

"I know it's unhealthy but I almost all the time watch youtube while eating" Jungkook says taking out his phone and turning on a video.

"I never talk while eating so people tend to get bored" You tell him between taking another bite.

"It's fine" He says as you both fix your gazes on the phone screen. It's a comedy variety show so you end up laughing loudly.

"They are so fucking funny." You tell him hitting his shoulder lightly.

"Sometimes it's the only thing that keeps me sane" He says eyes glancing at you before moving back to the screen. You notice the video's going to end and slide your hand on his bare thighs where his shorts end and massage his flesh. He looks at you before keeping his phone away but before he can do anything you stand up from your place and walk around the place.

He stands up from his spot and rolls out a mattress from under the couch spreading it on the floor pushing the small coffee table away to the balcony.

You touch the knick knacks kept inside cartons. In another box you find an album and a camera. As you flip through the bulky thing you find pictures of guys and girls and Jungkook from his college days. It seems to you that he used to capture each moment to remember it later.

"What did you find here?" He asks walking upto you and holding you from behind resting his chin on your shoulder.

"Do you still do photography?" You ask.

"Nah it was just an amateur hobby in my college days"

"Looks like you had a lot of fun" You say looking at the pictures he has surrounded by girls and guys too.

"I was a party animal thats why I keep all this hidden here because my parents think I studied like a good boy continents away from them" he says before starting to kiss your neck and going down your back.

"You wanna resume our fuck fest?" He asks voice vibrating near your neck skin, warm hitching breaths hitting your chest as he nuzzles you.

"Hmm..." You answer humming while he bends down on his knees pulling your skirt up and kissing the exposed parts of your butt. You had changed into the outfit from before, after coming back from the market.

He gently bites a small spot licking a trail downwards from it to your thighs sucking your skin tenderly all the way with his wet lips. You hold his hand on your waist and support yourself by resting the other on the table. You remove his hand and take his hand to make him stand. He is happily surprised when you push him to the wall kissing him mindlessly occasionally biting his lips, not letting him taking the lead. You squeeze his ass inserting your hand inside his shorts which is the only thing he's wearing on his bottom.

He grunts when your hand reaches the front wrapping around his penis. You pump him as your mouth closes with his and he keeps holding your waist tightly. You take out your hand and walk with him to the mattress where you guide him to sit down. You remove your bra and skirt watching him stare at you with lust filled eyes. His cock pokes through his shorts which you pull down after you kneel beside him. He lies naked on the bed and you straddle him only in your panties.

"We know this is bad..." He says between the kissing and playing with your boobs.

"That just makes it better" You chuckle and he does too.

"We've put ourselves in a dangerous situation" He says.

"Yet we can't stop... that's the thrill of it" You say as you watch push aside the cloth of your underwear to expose your pussy and he very tenderly and gently traces his thumb on the lips smearing the wetness.

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