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Dahyun comes back from the bathroom when you're transferring the food to serving bowls.

"From what we were talking about before I had to run to the bathroom. Look its completely unacceptable if there's rape or abuse. Okay?" You nod agreeing with her.

"No look y/n I know you and the life you've led. You tend to follow along to people's wishes and keep things hidden inside you. So promise me that you'll nit hide anything like that. Our mother endured a lot in her marriage although it stopped after we grew up. You know why we never left home until now right? So that dad doesn't gets to be alone with her. Although now it won't happen she's become much stronger now. In our marriages there'll be no place for things like that. We've only accepted these men without having a relationship with them because they've promised us peace."

"I know... I know how to protect myself now." You tell her when the men call you both from outside. You walk outside with the serving bowls.

Dahyun tells Jaesung about which dishes she made and which were ordered from outside. You both complimented the food. It wasn't fake appraisal as she really did know how to cook well.

"Should we all watch a movie?" Jungkook asks when you all are half done eating.

"It's not that late so I guess it's okay" Jaesung says glancing at you and his wristwatch.

"Yes it's a great idea" you add.

"Have you decided the name yet?" Jaesung asks them.

"Until now its Ria. Jeon Ria" Jungkook says when Dahyun smiles sitting lazily after finishing her food.

"Me and Jaesung will keep the dishes in the sink. Jungkook you should select a movie of your choice. And Dahyun, you go and rest on the couch. No excuses" You tell looking at all of them and they do as you said.

"Doesn't she looks bigger for her stage of pregnancy?" Jaesung whispers to you as you collect the plates.

"I don't think so... the baby must be chubby" you tell him.

"They both look quite slim though"

"What do you even know about it? Dahyun was a chubby baby. Why does it bothers us? It's their baby what do we care about? And every woman's body looks different at different stages" You roll your eyes at him walking to the kitchen.

"I think its not Jungkook's" he tells you.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" You say and walk outside the kitchen with heavy steps. Leaving him alone with his assumptions and curiosities.

When you go outside to sit on the couch you're followed by Jaesung who sits on the other side. You all stare at the big TV screen with excitement.

You look at Dahyun who has trouble keeping her eyes open. Jungkook notices her too.

"Hey... let's get you to bed. You tired yourself too much today." She nodded in submission to him, knowing she needed to sleep now. Jungkook helped her to stand up from the couch and then walked with her to her bedroom where she slept with the support of her maternity cushion which Jungkook had bought for her after much research. He knew the number of hours she actually slept were much lesser than what she spent in the bed. He would hear her going to bathroom, switching on the lights, walking around or going to the kitchen to eat many times in the night. He did came to check on her when he heard her complain or cry about her discomforts. He understood it wasn't easy at all to carry a child.

Sometimes he would gently talk with her because the last thing he wanted to do was let her feel alone in this. He did recognise that she was and would play the bigger part in this.

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