|Chapter 15|

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(Y/N) couldn't help but be intrigued by the mysterious superhero known as Viperion.

Ever since she first saw him in action, she had been captivated by his unique abilities and charismatic presence.

Viperion seemed like a force to be reckoned with, effortlessly wielding his powers to protect Paris from akumatized villains.

However, there was something oddly familiar about him.

As (Y/N) continued to follow Viperion's exploits, she couldn't shake off the feeling that they had seen those expressive teal eyes and unruly black hair somewhere before.

It was as if a memory was teasing the edges of her mind, refusing to fully reveal itself. Determined to solve the mystery, (Y/N) decided to delve deeper into Viperion's past.

(Y/N) promptly sat down on her bed with laptop in hand, Zoé was also in the room casually reading some Wattpad while she lets her friend stalk a superhero.

"Why do you need information about him again?" Zoé Couldn't help but ask.

The sound of (Y/N) tapping the keyboard could be heard. She was focused and determined, but of course she manages to reply to her friend.

"Because I have a huge crush on him and I need to find out if he's a green flag." She merely answered as if she's said that line a million times before.

(Y/N) tirelessly gathered information about Viperion. She scrutinized every news article, every eyewitness account, and every photograph she could find.

Then around late at night into her Investigation- She stumbled upon a somewhat startling revelation.

As (Y/N) sat in her room, surrounded by notes and photographs, she couldn't shake off the feeling of confusion and disbelief.

Luka Couffaine, the oddly weird, calm, and kind-hearted musician- Then there's Viperion, the fierce and powerful superhero.

They looked oddly familiar.

She had recently started admiring one and hating the other- And the idea that they were one and the same felt absurd to her.

Determined to find the truth, she began to compare Luka and Viperion, seeking any connections or similarities that might provide an explanation.

"(Y/N) it's 12 am on a weekday. Go to sleep." Zoé grumbled out, her face scrunched up as rubs her eyes and let's out a small yawn.

(Y/N) shrugged her best friend off, waving a hand at her dismissively as she says, "Later, woman. I am doing research."

The first aspect (Y/N) examined was their appearance.

Luka was known for his messy, dark hair that fell gracefully over his forehead, while Viperion had a wild and spiky mane of hair that was streaked with vibrant colors.

They seemed like two completely different hairstyles, which only deepened her skepticism. Yet, as (Y/N) looked closer, she noticed a few subtle similarities in their facial features.

The shape of their eyes, the curve of their smile-it was undeniable that there were some resemblances between Luka and Viperion.

Next, she turned her attention to their personalities.

Luka was often described as a gentle soul- According to her friends, and always ready to lend a helping hand and offer words of comfort to those in need of them.

On the other hand, Viperion exuded confidence and bravery, never hesitating to step up and protect others as any superhero would do.

It was difficult to imagine these two personalities coexisting within the same person.

How could someone be both sensitive and fearless?

Yet, as (Y/N) recalled certain instances, she remembered seeing glimpses of bravery in Luka's eyes and moments of vulnerability in Viperion's actions.

To further explore the connection, (Y/N) decided to analyze their skills and abilities.

Luka's proficiency with the guitar and his soothing voice captivated audiences, whereas Viperion possessed an incredible control over his powers, commanding soundwaves with precision.

The stark contrast between their talents was baffling.

The more (Y/N) delved into her comparisons, the more she realized that Luka and Viperion were not as different as they initially seemed.

It became evident that both personas were intertwined, each complementing the other in a complex dance of identity.

Luka's supposed kindness and sensitivity provided the foundation for Viperion's bravery and strength.

Their shared features and moments of vulnerability suggested a deeper connection between the two, one that transcended mere appearances or abilities.

With her newfound understanding, (Y/N) began to accept the possible truth.

Luka Couffaine and Viperion may be one and the same.

The duality of their existence added a layer of complexity to their character, making them all the more intriguing.

As she closed her notes and prepared to embark on her next adventure, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation.

She had uncovered a theory that few knew, and she was ready to witness the unfolding of Luka and Viperion's intertwined destiny.

Luka, the guitarist with his brooding eyes and enigmatic charm, had captured the attention of many girls in their school, but (Y/N) was not one of them.

She found him insufferable, irritatingly calm, and always seemed to be in the way. His aloofness grated on her nerves, and his presence often brought out the worst in her.

There was something about him that seemed disingenuous, like a facade hiding something beneath.

Then there was Viperion. (Y/N) admired Viperion's confidence, his passion for the things that he likes, and the way he fought for justice alongside Ladybug and Cat Noir.

There was a intriguing spark within Viperion that drew her in, making her heart race whenever she saw him in action.

It was these conflicting emotions that troubled (Y/N) the most. What if- What if Luka and Viperion were one in the same?

She pondered this question over and over, trying to make sense of her own feelings. It felt like a constant tug-of-war within her heart, tearing her apart with each passing minute.

Zoé was snoring soundly, and the sound of her snores and the rustling of papers were the only things (Y/N) could focus on at that moment.

She shook those pesky thoughts aside. Sure they may be small similarities, but (Y/N) wasn't one to be bribed by theories.

The thought of Viperion and Luka- One she despised and one she undeniably adores. If they were one in the same? What would that mean?

She couldn't do anything for now. Picking up her pen and paper, (Y/N) did the only thing she could think of.


She written down her thoughts throughout the might- Her ideas, her feelings that seemed confusing and relentless.

She wrote until she dozed off and fell asleep.



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