Trapped In A Werewolf Book

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Ophelia walks up to Draven and kisses him deeply. He kisses her back and holds her tightly. She pulls away and quietly says to him.

"I forgive you" she smiles and both consume in pleasure...

"What no! Why did you forgive him! He's a piece of shit!" I yell out and throw my phone across the room.
My mind becomes still as what I have done. I quickly grab my phone, the screen facing the floor and pray it's not cracked. I turn it towards me and am relieved for only a second as it doesn't turn on.

Just perfect my phone is dead, I bet when I go to the repair shop there will ask how I broke it, and I respond by getting angry from reading a horrible story about how someone can forgive someone that hurt them. It won't be the first for them that someone threw their phone from raging

Usually, I just throw it on my bed and start punching my pillow. I can't believe it's another story of how another desperate werewolf where get back together. Like is it that hard to resist the mate bond, it makes no absolute sense. I looked down at my phone again and the screen is still black.
I then heard the door opening, I quickly hid my phone under the pillow and walked out of my room.

"Hey mum, hey dad" I smiled at them, taking the groceries from their hands.

"Hi sweetie, everything ok?" I place the groceries in the kitchen and push the thought of my broken phone away.

"Yeah everything is great, how was work?" I say calmly.

"Tiring as always" Dad responds. They both hang their coats. Mum heads towards the kitchen and I help with preparing the food for dinner.

"I guess it's just us eating" I take the food out. Mum is warming up the stove.

"Work has been more hectic than usual" Mum peaks through their bedroom and dad already sleeping on the bed.

"Mum when college is over, I'll help dad ok," I say to her. She only nods and we both carry on with the food.

After dinner, I go to my bedroom and shut the door. I take my phone from under the pillow and see it's turned on. 'Lucky, guess it took its time turning on.' Looking at the screen I see where I last read, I cringe at the words and tap the next page and thought it was the end. The page had only one sentence.

'Are you unhappy with the ending?' I read the words with a look of confusion and wondered why would the author write this at the end. 'Maybe the editor mistakenly put it in the book? Still, I answered the question in my head.

'Of course, I am, if I was her I wouldn't forgive him' I tap the page for the pop up on the app to say reading complete but instead the screen suddenly became bright. I closed my eyes and dropped my phone with the light surrounding me.

I opened my eyes expecting to see my bedroom ceiling only to see utter darkness. Where ever I turn it's just pitch black and somehow I have no idea how I'm floating in the air.

'Ok I'm dreaming, you know that dream where you endlessly fall I didn't feel I was falling but I heard a distant voice calling my name. There my surroundings changed, making it look more like I was in space to see small sparks around me. I met a woman that's glowing and smiles at me. Still confused, I speak out to her "Who are you? And where am I?"

"I am the Moon Goddess and I brought you here for the need of your help." I became shocked by what I heard and must be dreaming. "Oh, you're not dreaming Kara Feneck."

"What the f-"

"Now now, calm down." The goddess spoke out. I try closing my eyes and reopening them. Nope still floating and the goddess smiling hesitantly towards me.

"I know it's hard to process what's happening but please listen. In the story you read, I want you to help the characters. Guide them to what proper mates are and-"

"Wait a minute, you want me to help this couple I just read a few minutes ago? No way, they both are dumb and why can't you just go help them? You're the moon goddess, is it not... Oh, I don't know your job?" I bluntly just stare at her.

"I can't go down and help them sadly, as a moon goddess I'm limited in what I can intervene with."

"What you think just picking a random human and telling them, 'Oh hello, I'm the moon goddess and I have a job for you. To go and help some werewolves with their problems of being mates!' First I'm not going to do whatever this is. Send me back home, my parents must be worried that I somehow disappeared in the house without telling them."

"I can't do that and your parents don't know you left because... right now you are in a deep sleep," The moon goddess looks away slightly,
"Your parents try to wake you up, but you are unconscious. They are taking you to the hospital."

I shake my head trying to process what she just said. I imagined my parents worried faces. I look at the moon goddess angrily, "You! Take me back right now! I'm not doing your bidding of helping someone! I already have so much to do in my life! I don't need this right now! Dammit!"

"Kara listen to me, you're the only one. This is your fate."

I try to calm down by taking a deep breath. Even though I want to punch this useless goddess. "I don't give a damn. Screw fate. Choose someone else. My parents need me." So many bad thoughts start to go through my mind the longer I'm away.

"I'm sorry Kara, you'll understand everything in time." The moon goddess slowly backs away and everything soon becomes bright.

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