Blessing Or Curse

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Mates can be a blessing or a curse. To be with someone you love or be with someone you hate. In the end no matter what they did they always be forgiven because their soulmates, their other halves and their fates are entwined till the end of time.

Would you forgive your mate who killed your parents?

Would you forgive your mate that been with your sibling and once chosen them?

Would you forgive your mate who hurt you physically and mentally for something you haven't done that wasn't even your fault?

The list goes on and every scenario they all have been forgiven even the worst ones that are out there. I wonder why would you be with someone that hurt you. Maybe in some cases, it can be forgiven but not all.

If you want to hurt someone go for the heart, truly it is what keeps us alive and can kill us instantly.

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