Stop right fucking now ( pt. 1 )

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Style again! And it's also sad Stan, I don't know why I just like sad Stan. >:) enjoy!
TW - talks of suicide, mental hospitals, or and alcohol addiction

Dozens of empty beer bottles and alcohol cans were littered around Stan's room. His mother and sister were out of town for a month for a school trip, Kyle was also on the trip. Stan's father wouldn't pay the fee and his mother already paid for Shelly's fee. So for about 2 weeks Stan was alone in his room, with the occasional visit down stairs and seeing his father to go to the store. To buy more alcohol.
Stan had a glass of water in the mornings with two pills to get rid of his hang over, then only drank alcohol, soon it took him about 12 bottles to get even remotely drunk.
It was around 3:45pm and Stan heard a knock on his door, " Hey turd, we're home!" Shelly said, Stan heard the door slam down stairs, probably mom taking dad out again. Then Shelly sent a text confirming his beliefs. Then another knock came on his door, he saw his boyfriend Kyle peek his head in with a smile on his face. Stan began shoving the bottles under his bed, he had shoved most of them under there last night to make room for the next day, so he only had about 6 to shove under there.
" Hey dude! How was your vacation!" Kyle chirped as he walked in, Stan shivered as the ac from the hallway flooded his room. Kyle was dressed in a cozy sweater and sweat pants, Stan on the other hand was in boxers and a tank top.
" it was... good! How was yours?" Kyle knew Stan was lying cause he could hear it in the tone of his voice, he could also smell alcohol dripping off of Stan.
" it was great, I wish you were there!" Kyle saw Stan shivering and took of his sweater. " Here, you seem cold." Kyle smiled and put the sweater over Stan's head and kissed him on the lips. He tasted like alcohol from an hour ago. " Stan, have you been... drinking?" Kyle didn't want it to be true, Stan was almost a year clean and sober, he didn't want him so restart.
" No dude, what would make you think that?" Stan was panicking on the inside, he finished putting on Kyle's sweater and it was pretty big on him due to Kyle being at least 6 inches taller then Stan, and Stan being a skeleton.
" Don't lie to me baby, I can taste it on your lips... why... why didn't you-" Kyle sat down and heard glass move. He looked at Stan, he just hid his head farther in the sweater. Stan felt guilty for lying but he didn't want to disappoint Kyle.
Kyle lifted the blankets and sure enough, around 60 bottles came pouring out, Stan tried to hard to get drunk that he didn't realize how immune he was to it. He just kept drinking till he passed out, washing away his worries till the next day.
" holy shit! What the fuck is your problem Stan!" Kyle was so pissed, Stan was doing to well and he threw it away like that. He thought Stan changed after he tried to take his life and went to the mental hospital. " Why the FUCK did you drink again! Why so many! What lead you to do this!" Before Kyle could continue, Stan silently stood up and took of the sweater.
" Sorry dude, I get it, I'm just disappointing everyone. Here, take your sweater, I'll find one later." Stan just smiled and walked out the room. " by the way," Stan popped his head back in the room, " I get it if you want to break up with me. I wouldn't want to be with me either." And with that Stan left the room.

Sorry it's so short!
Part 2 coming soon :))))

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