Fuckin hangovers ( Part 2 to Sick day)

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So this is kinda a part two but in Kenny and Marjorie's point of view. I can do a Style part two later though. I also realize I spelt Marj's name wrong sooo, oops 🤷‍♀️

Kenny's POV )

I felt something soft under my chin and sat up. I saw short fluffy blond hair, I guess I had a bit to much to drink last night.
I felt Marj begin to stir awake, " Hey Ken, how you feeling?" She chirped, I don't get how she is so happy all the time.
" I have a fuckin head ache and feel like shit but better now your awake." I smirked as Marj went red.
" I'll get you some water and medicine for your head, what do you want to eat?" Marj stood up and began walking towards the door to the main room. I heard running out side and puking in the bathroom next door.
" I guess Kyle had a bit to much to drink as well. " I laughed as Marj grimaced at the noise. Another set a foot steps went by the door asking if the person who ran by was ok.
I turned my attention to my girlfriend and saw her mouth moving but I wasn't paying attention anymore. Her fluffy blonde hair sat in a messy angled hair cut just above her shoulders. She wore a skin tight tank top and purple shorts. " Ken... Kenny?" I felt a small tap on my shoulder and was snapped out of my trance.
" sorry, you look really fuckin pretty.."
Marj just snickered and kissed my head, "shoot me a text with what you want." And with that she left.
I flopped on my back and shut my eye. How did I get this lucky? I thought. I jumped when I felt a hand on my head, it was really fucking cold. " sorry Ken, just wanted to make sure you weren't sick, Stan is sick, Kyle said he's over worked himself the past few weeks so he's taking a break."
" Dam, I thought Kyle was sick, wasn't Stan ment to help you with your flowers?" I ask.
" Yeah, I can do it by my self though!"
Why does she have to be so fucking positive.
" I can help later Babe, I should feel fine after some medicine." I chucked the medicine Marj brought me into my mouth and and laid back down, I grabbed Marj by her hips and pulled her onto the bed, " go back to sleep, we can eat later..." I felt really tired and Marj went to bed when I did, I wasn't to drunk and remembered the majority of things that happened. I felt her face fall onto my chest and I began playing with her hair. I soon heard soft breathing indicating Marj had fallen asleep. I closed my eyes and heard more footsteps and puking.
Fuck sake, why can Stan sleep? Like god sake.
" Hey guys, sorry about Stan. His body is overworked and is trying to fight him now. I booked you two a hotel so you don't have to worry about him."
Kyle said as he pocked his head.
" It's fine Kyle, I hope Stan feels better soon!" Marj said, I almost shit myself I didn't realize she was up.
Kyle and Marj were arguing until Stan can around the corner with his eyes misty. He flopped his head on Kyles back.
" Your going and that's that!" Kyle said as he picked up Stan and shut the door.
" I guess we should start packing?" I said with a smile.
" I want to make sure Stan's ok, I'll pack later. I have to finish my project."
Marj got up and I assumed went to the pantry as she came back and threw a pop tart at me. Then the dorm room door shut. I could here Stan weeping, and saying sorry? Not sure why but whatever. I got up and changed. I got my school bag and dumped my shit on Marjorie's neatly made bed, I filled it with two sweaters, a pair of boxers. A pair of shorts and some food for the morning. I put our bathroom stuff in our bag and ended up falling asleep on the bed.

( few hours later )
I woke up to a soft locking of the door and a kiss on my forehead.
" Shit, did I wake you Ken?" Marj sounded panicked but calm.
" Nah, you ready to go? We don't have classes tomorrow so we can stay the night."
Originally we planned on staying there till around 1 am, to make sure Stan and Kyle were in bed, then go back to the dorm. But me and Marj don't have classes tomorrow meaning we can stay the full night.
" I didn't pack yet Ken, patience." She chuckled as I put my shoes on and grabbed her hand. " I already packed for both of us, come on let's go!" I grabbed Marj out the room and went to let Stan and Kyle know we were leaving.
" Hey!"
"SHH!" Kyle angrily answered " Stan finally went to fucking sleep!" He whispered
" oh- sorry, me and Marj are leaving."
" ok, text me when your on your way back so I can
Let the hotel know to cancel my card for Tuesday. Wasn't sure how long y'all wanted alone."
" will do, have fun with your vomit bag!" I winked as I left and Kyle just scowled at me.
Marj was making sure she had her car keys when I got to the door, I kissed her and we started our decent down stairs.
When we got to the car we began to jam out to what was on the radio, then the hotel approached.
This is going to be fun.

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