I love you but you dont love me ( or do you ;)) )

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( Stan's pov )

Todays the day.

I've had a crush on my best friend for years and I finally decided to tell him.
He said he would meet me at Starks pond, but he's still not here.

" Hey dude!" I turned my head and Kyle came running up behind me.
He sat down and pulled me into a side hug.

" Hey..."
" what's up?" He asked.
" I need to tell you something... it's about... us?"
He looked confused.
" You don't want to be friends anymore..?" He sounded hurt.
" No! Yes? What I'm trying to say is... I-"
" WAIT! Before I forget, I have to tell you something!" He smiled at me so sweetly. Was he going to confess first??
" Me and Tolkien finally tided the knot!" He looked so happy. But my heart sank.

" That's great dude..!" I smiled, I'm glad he's happy. He would be happier with Tolkien anyway. Plus, we can still be friends.
Yeah. That's a lie. It's been a month since then and we never hang out anymore.
I text him good morning but there is never a reply.
I don't know why I try anymore, maybe it's because I'm not ready to let go. I mean, I've known him my whole life, it would be weird not saying good morning and good night to him.

I hopped out of bed and got ready for school, I had a shitty hangover from last night but my dad wouldn't care.
Mum and dad got a divorce, I just wish everything was the same again.

As I walked to the bus stop I saw Kyle. And Tolkien.
I was going to say hi but they were to busy having there own conversation.
The bus soon pulled up and I got on last, I looked and felt like shit.

" Hey Wendy... can I sit here?" She looked at me with a weird expression, but agreed none the less.
" Why aren't you sitting with Kyle?" She asked.
" Cause he's to busy with Tolkien, I get there dating and all but I thought we were friends."
She looked sympathetically at me.
" I'm sure he'll come around, he's just happy with Tolkien. Ask him to hang this weekend, I'm sure he'll say yes."
Wendy and I ended things  for good a long time ago. But we still were good friends.
" If only he would take his fucking eyes off Tolkien and answer his phone. I text him good morning and night everyday, like we used to. But he never even looks at it, I should just give up. He obviously doesn't need me as a friend anymore."

Wendy placed her hand on my shoulder.
" Stan. Don't give up yet, give him some time, Tolkien isn't as he seems. I left him after 3 month cause he's really a huge show off dick."
I just nodded and stood up as the bus got to the school.

Another day of hell. Here I come.

( Wendy's pov )

As a Stan walked of the bus I saw Kyle look at him, but he looked disappointed?
As I walked by I pulled Kyle up and away from Tolkien.
He stumbled behind me, but I don't really care.
I may not be close to Stan, but I can't see him fall back into weed and alcohol.
" What the fuck Kyle?!"
" What do you mean? You dragged me off the bus without an explanation!" He shot back.
He's not wrong.
" I just talked to someone you've been ignoring since you got together with that dodo." I snapped.

( Kyles pov )

Who? I haven't been ignoring anyone.
" What?"
" Your best friend?" She shoot back.
Who..? I have been hanging out with my friends, Jimmy, Clyde, Tweek, Craig, Kenny and Butters.
" Stan?! Stanley Marsh!" Wendy screamed.
I'm not sure what she's been told but he's been ignoring me.
" Wendy... I'm not sure what you've been told, but he's been ignoring me."
She just shook her head.
" That's why he's been texting you every morning and night? That's why he's been asking for you to come over when drunk? That's why he's been asking to hang out after school?! Sounds like your ignoring him, cause he's never gotten a response from you."

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