The confession

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In middle school Stan and Kyle drifted apart after Stan began drink more. He soon began smoking his fathers weed and started to fall into a downward spiral.
So as any super best friend does, Kyle left Stan.

Kenny was the only one who cared for Stan now, and Stan never wanted to loose Kenny.

Tonight Stan and Kenny were walking around town when they passed the bar. They went in of course.
They may or may not have have many drinks.
Stan was 4 months sober.

The next day when Stan work up he realized he lost his streak, he wasn't blaming Kenny but he did take a break from him and school.

Then a knock came from his front door.
" Stan! Open up!" Kenny screamed.
He was home alone, so he dragged his ass out of bed and unlocked the door.

" Finally. Move out the way dude." Kenny said as he shoved past Stan.
As Kenny walked in, Cartman and to his surprise, Kyle, Kyle Brofloski, the ginger who left him at his worst, was also coming inside his house.
His hair that used to be stuffed under a hat was now properly taken care of and slicked into a low bun, he had narrowed oval glasses and was carrying his brown shoulder bag. Stan could see a notebook, and many papers inside.
He and Kenny both took of there shoes and as Stan was in a huge t-shirt and sweat pants. They never used to be this big but after awhile of not eating as much and never leaving bed, you start to drop some weight.
" You can't keep living this way dude..." Kenny said as he dragged everyone to Stan's living room.
" Why do you guys care?" Stan asked as he gestured towards Kyle and Eric.

Being completely honest, Stan was happy to see Kyle, maybe he cared about him after all. Stan hated to admit that he still like Kyle, but after finding out he was gay, he though he had a chance, the Kyle began dating Tolkien, causing him to drink more. That lead Kyle away. Stan didn't date after Kyle left his side, he couldn't get the curly ginger locked hair boy out of his head.
But ever since Kyle left, Stan got quite fond of Kenny, his bravery and his willingness to help others often went unnoticed, but it stuck out the most to Stan.

" Kenny told us about... your problems... and we wanted to help you out, I know I left but... I want to help now." Kyle said. He sat next to Stan on the sofa and pulled him into a hug, Stan wanted to sob right then and there, but not with Cartman around, he would never let him forgot that moment in time ever.
" I'm going, I don't know why I even showed up, later dudes." Cart,an said as he wondered out of Stan's front door.

( Kyles pov )

I kept holding Stan, I felt my shirt getting wet and looked up at Kenny. He looked good, his hair was cut into a shaggy wolf cut and his sharp jaw line gave his tan skin and blue eyes a kick of desire. He looked hot. I've liked Kenny ever since me and Tolkien ending things, he likes Stan, and Stan likes me.
Me and Kenny would hang out every now and then, last Sunday he told me about how Stan missed me, and about how he began drinking more cause me and Tolkien were together. And now that he hangs out with Stan a lot, he has feelings for him. He also told be he's poly and likes two people. Wonder who the other lucky kid is...

( no one's pov )

When Kenny's eyes met Kyles both of their faces went red, Kenny rubbed Stan's back braking eye contact with Kyle.
Stan let out heart breaking sobs and kept saying sorry, he had nothing to be sorry for but he didn't think so.
" Why don't you go take a shower, cool down, and we can put on a movie?" Kenny suggested.
Stan had nothing better to go and just nodded, he sat up and wiped his eyes before leaving to the bathroom with some comfortable clothes in hand.

( Kenny's pov )

Now that both Kyle and Stan are here, I'm going to tell them I like them, I recently found out Kyle is gay and poly, and I know Stan is bisexual, hopefully they except my confession.

As I was setting up the dvd player, Kyle went to Stan's room and grabbed some pillows.
" Dude, Stan's room is a mess. There is empty jars of weed and half full bottles of alcohol everywhere in there." Kyle commented as he laid out the blankets on the sofa.
" Can I tell you something Kyle?" I was hoping he would say yes, I need to get this off my chest before I explode.
" sure, what up?" Kyle asked.
I pause, then decide to get rip the bandage off, " I like you... more then a friend... I also like Stan and was planning on asking him out with you but I'm really nervous about this and though I would tell you first..."
I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned my head. Kyle was looking down at me smiling, I stood up, Kyle was about 3 inches taller then me still.
" I feel the same way... ever since I stopped talking to Stan I felt like I loved him... but was to scared to try talking to him again, we could both ask together... but for now, would you like to be my boyfriend?" Kyle was smiling at me while I nodded and hugged him.

The sun was beginning to set by the time Stan finished in the shower.
He walked slowly down the stairs and thanked me and Kyle for the time we spent and apologized for the messiness of the house.
" It's fine, why don't we start the movie!" Kyle chirped as we flopped on the sofa.
Stan and I hummed in agreement and he turned off the light.
Kyle laid his head on my shoulder and about half way through the movie I whispered in his ear, " ready to ask?" Kyle looked over to me and nodded.

I looked ever to Stan and saw he was looking at us, " You guys ok?" He asked.
" Yeah, we just have a question for you.." Kyle said as he sat up.
" What's up?" He asked as he paused the movie.
" We were wondering if you would... be our boyfriend?... me and Kenny both like each other and you... what do you say?"
Stan's face went from shock to a huge smile, I hadn't seen him this happy in years. He lent forward and pulled us into a hug,
" Of course" Stan mumbled into our necks.
I smiled as Kyle and he smiled back.

I restarted the movie and but the time it was done, Kyle and Stan were both asleep.
Stan was laying with his head on Kyles chest on Kyle had wrapped his arms around Stan's waist.
Kyles head was on my chest, I wrapped on arm around both of them and fell alseep too, I felt lucky to have such amazing people in my life, no matter what their mentality or physically going through...

Words - 1226

I've been wanting to write some Stylenny for a while but didn't really have any idea till I went through my drafts! I found this and decided to continue it!

My Tyde story is coming along pretty well and hopefully will be out soon! It may be a short while though, so I thought I would post something while I'm working on it!

Your loved and your enough <3

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