Sick 🐌

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( Kyles POV)

As a I walked home from school I got a call from Stan.
I wanted to ask why he wasn't at school but his mother picked up instead.
" Hey Kyle, this is Sharron. Do you think you could stay the  night with Stanley? He's not feeling well and I have to go out."
From the backround I heard Stan yell "  I can take care of myself mom!" And he coughed a lot. He sounded like shit.
" Sure Mrs Marsh, I'll be over in about 10 minutes." Then she hung up.

As I walked into my room I grabbed Stan a sweater of mine and some clothes for myself.

When I reached the Marsh's house Sharron was just leave. She thanked me again and I headed inside.
I heard Stan cough upstairs and his door open.
Stan came out shivering in a tank top and short.
" What the fuck are you wearing?!" I put my sweater on him. He had dark bags under his eyes and his hair was softer than usual. Guess he didn't want me there as he grumbled when I put the sweater on.

Stan sat on the sofa and I sat next to him. He pulled his knees to his chest and rested his head on them. He shut his eyes and fell asleep.
He looked really uncomfortable so I grabbed him and pulled him on my lap. He curled up to me, still sleeping, and I began to play with his hair. It was so soft!
He always says my hair is better, but after this, he can't deny his is better.

As I sat there he began to stir awake again, guess he's been sleeping on and off cause he did this about 5 more times until he woke up and sat up.
" Mmmm... Sorry.." he yawned and slipped back down onto the arm of the sofa and put his hand over his face.
" It's fine Stan... how much sleep have you gotten recently?"
" Like 2 hours? I feel like shit. You don't have to stay, I can look after myself."
" I want to stay, one second." I got up and went to his bathroom to change. When I came out he was sitting on the sofa like before but he was fighting the urge to shut his eyes.
" pfft... come here dude.." I sat down and pulled him to me as I spoke.

I hugged his close and he melted into my arms. He shut his eyes and fell asleep, after about 30 minutes he didn't wake up so I decided to try and sleep to.
It wasn't that difficult as I was tired before hand.

( 45 minutes later )

I woke up to a sweet smell in the kitchen.
I got up to see Stan cooking, it looked like he was making pancakes, but he hates them???
" Stan? What are you doing.."
He turned and smiled at me.
" Making you food, what does it look like."
" You should be sleeping, resting, getting better. Not making me food." I pulled him back to the couch and gave him a blanket. I went back to the kitchen, put the uncooked batter in the fridge and looked at the fluffy stack of warm pancakes.

I took 2 and put them on a plate with butter, and two for Stan with maple syrup.
I eat my pancakes and went out to give Stan his, but he was passed out on the sofa again.
I put the food in the microwave and brought Stan up to his room. I lauded next to him and fell asleep.
Hopefully Stan will be better tomorrow...

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