Part 2: Chapter 99

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'You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams' - Dr. Seuss

Ali Haidar tossed and turned, his mind a maze of hazy thoughts that refused to let him sleep. The night had been a long, dark journey of prayer and introspection, the eleven raka of tahajjud a effectual attempt to calm the storm within. Islam's presence haunted him, her memory etched in every corner of his room, every crevice of his mind. He threw off the covers, his bare feet making barely a sound on the cool floor as he navigated through the darkness, avoiding the shattered glass that lay like a scattered puzzle. The silence was oppressive, punctuated only by the soft hum of the air conditioner and the distant call of the muezzin.

As he made his way to the kitchen, the aroma of hot tea enveloped him, a comforting balm for his frazzled nerves. He sipped the steaming brew, feeling the warmth spread through his chest, before downing his medication with a wince. The pain was a constant companion, a nagging reminder of his fragile heart.

The clock on his phone read 7:55 AM, the nikkah mere hours away. He felt like he was drowning in a sea of despair, unable to escape the crushing weight of his emotions. The Abuja National Mosque loomed before him, its ancient stones bearing witness to centuries of joy and sorrow.

With a heavy heart, Ali began his preparations, the ritual of dressing a vain attempt to distract himself from the turmoil within. He donned his sky blue kaftan, the fabric rustling softly as he moved, before layering the babban riga over it, the intricate embroidery a testament to the craftsmanship of the tailor. The simple watch and cufflinks added a touch of elegance, while the embroidered slippers whispered comfort against his feet.

As he splashed cologne on his neck and wrists, the scent wafted up, a heady mix of spice and citrus that failed to lift his spirits. Islam's words echoed in his mind, a harsh reminder of his fragility: "You're like glass, Ali. Incredibly strong, yet effortlessly shattered." He felt the sting of tears, his eyes welling up with emotion as he turned away from the mirror.

The door to Usman's room stood ajar, a sliver of light spilling out into the corridor. Ali pushed it open, his gaze meeting his brother's in the mirror. Usman's attire sparkled, the navy blue kaftan and babban riga a perfect complement to his beaming smile. The expensive watch and embroidered slippers added a touch of luxury, while the decorative small sword at his side gleamed with a quiet pride.

"Salamualaikum," Ali greeted, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Wa alaikumusalam," Usman replied, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled.

Ali felt a pang of shame, his heart heavy with the knowledge of his betrayal. He had always been the strong one, the rock that Usman leaned on, but now he felt like he was drowning in his own deceit. The memories of their childhood flooded back, the two of them against the world, their bond unbreakable. But that was before their parents' untimely death, before Umar grew up, and before Islam came into their lives, shattering the fragile peace they had built.

"How do I look?" Usman asked, his intense smile illuminating the room as he turned to face Ali, his dimples deepening with excitement.

Ali's gaze swept over his brother's attire, taking in the navy blue kaftan and babban riga, the intricate embroidery glinting in the morning light. "You look amazing, Masha Allah," he said, his voice laced with sincerity, as a fresh wave of pain washed over him. He quickly embraced Usman, the scent of cologne and soap enveloping him, a comforting reminder of their brotherly bond.

As they withdrew from the embrace, Usman's eyes sparkled with warmth. "We both do," he said, his voice filled with pride.

Ali's heart swelled with emotion as he offered his Bro Code Confession: "I love you very much, and I'm proud of who you are today. I know Umma and Abba will be proud of us, wherever they are." The words hung in the air, a poignant reminder of their shared past and the journey that had brought them to this moment.

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