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Lanzhan’s knee bounced of its own accord and he tried, unsuccessfully, to do it. Weiying sat next to him with a book in his lap, looking as cool as a cucumber. It was maddening. How could he look so calm? He was a nervous wreck. 

Lanzhan knew it was stupid. They were just telling his immigration lawyer that they were engaged. This wasn’t the interview. But this...this made it all so much more real. If they could convince his immigration lawyer, then this was actually going to happen. Lanzhan was going to become an Nie citizen. He would get to keep his job. He would marry Weiying…

Was he crazy? Was he so desperate to stay here that he was really going to marry a stranger? Well, Lanzhan supposed He wasn’t really a stranger anymore. They had spent the last two days learning the basics of each other. Lanzhan felt like he might know Weiying better than anyone else he knew. 

And it turned out that he actually seemed to like him. Weiying was witty, intelligent, and caring. They even had some things in common, things Lanzhan never would have imagined. They both liked horror movies, martial arts, and the ocean. They listened to a lot of the same music. Lanzhan couldn’t help but wonder what else they shared. He supposed he would find out, since if all went well, he would be married to Him for the next five years.

This is definitely insane, Lanzhan thought. I’m risking jail time for this. He’s risking jail time for this. Maybe we’re both crazy . 

“Lan Wangji?”

Lanzhan looked up and saw his lawyer’s secretary waiting for them. He glanced over at Weiying. He was calmly tucking His book into His handbag. Lanzhan inhaled quietly before he stood up. He and Weiying followed the secretary—Lanzhan was pretty sure His name was Zi Zhen—to his lawyer’s office. 

“Hise you are,” Zi Zhen said cheerfully as He waved them through the door. 

Lanzhan and Weiying exchanged a quick look before Lanzhan led the way inside.

Wen Qing was sitting behind Her desk with Her glasses perched on the end of His nose as she looked over Lanzhan’s file

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Wen Qing was sitting behind Her desk with Her glasses perched on the end of His nose as she looked over Lanzhan’s file. She’d had several meetings with Him since he had applied for citizenship, and he liked Her well enough. She was efficient and thorough, and came highly recommended by his uncle.

The lawyer stood up and extended her hand. “Lan Wangji. A pleasure.” Lanzhan shook Her hand briefly before she looked at Weiying. “And who is this?”

Play it cool, he told himself. 

“This is my fiancée, Weiying.” Lanzhan casually touched Weiying’s shoulder. Don’t lay it on too thick. “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Of course.”  Wen Qing shook Weiying’s hand. “Thank you for coming”

“Wei Wuxian,” Weiying and Lanzhan supplied at the same time. 

Chill out! Lanzhan scolded himself mentally. 

“It’s nice to meet you, Wen Qing,” Weiying said smoothly to cover their blunder. 

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