chapter 3 chitchats

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My heart got its pulse back

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My heart got its pulse back. My breath reached my body again. I was not in my senses and was imagining my future with her. I was brought back by her words. “I am so sorry. I didn’t notice you coming. By the way can you show me way to IAS class room” she spoke. In my mind I thought that “If I just show her the way I can’t become close to her. So, I need to take her there”.

“Excuse me Mr can you or not?” she asked. “Myself Neil Varma you? By the way let me take you there?” I spoke. She didn’t introduce herself to me. I felt little disappointed. She was following me and I have walked 7 steps with her. That means we are walked the auspicious 7 steps that we do in marriage. I blushed by that feeling. We reached the class and I went in with her and showed her a place to sit.

I was about to leave the class room then I heard “I am Ina”. In my mind I already combined our names together “Ina Neil Varma”. Its so good to listen them together. “If you need any help don’t hesitate to ask me for help” I said. “Sure, I will approach you if I need any help” she replied. I was about to leave the class then I heard someone calling me with sweet voice.

“Neil, can I have your number? So, I can call you if I need any help” she replied. I was literally waiting to ask her number but she has asked me first. We both exchanged our numbers and I feed her number as “MY GIRL”.

I went to class but I am like body present mind absent. My mind and heart are roaming around her. Time passed on with her thoughts and class ended. I immediately ran to her class room to offer her a ride. By the time I reached her class room it was empty. My smile faded immediately.

Some one from back side tapped on my shoulders and asked “are you looking for some one MR?”. I turned towards the person and immediately after seeing the person my smile came back. “I am waiting for you only” I replied.

She was a little bit shocked by my response and asked “why are you looking for me Neil?”. “Well, it’s just that I wanted to ask you how your first day went well” I replied. “Oh! It went on well by the way how was your day, Neil?”.

“it’s good”.

Whenever I hear her calling my name, I feel like I have the most beautiful name for the first time. I wanted to call mom and thank her for naming me with such a beautiful name. I wanted to ask her for a coffee but I couldn’t. I fear that if I ask her what will she think of me as its her first time seeing me. So, I need to take it slow. “Do you want me to drop at home?” I asked. “Thanks for the offer but I have my car outside. So, let’s meet tomorrow” she replied. I waved her bye and left from there.

[time 10pm]
  Why is the clock rotating to slow? I want to see her. I looked for my mobile and after searching for some time I remembered that I left it in Riya’s room earlier. So, I went her room and knocked the door. There was no response so I went in. I found my mobile and when I turned back Riya was standing at the door with a doubt look. “What are you doing here bro? what are you searching for?” she asked. I showed her my mobile. I thought in my mind that “why don’t I ask her help she is also a girl so she may know?”. I went near to her and grabbed her hand and made her sit on the couch and confessed “I met her today”.

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