A Sky Filled Sorrow and Isolation

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The next day Sky had a hard time getting out of bed to get ready for church.After his team's loss last night he felt sick to his stomach.He knew it was all his fault and that his community would not let him forget about it.Unfortunately, his mom came in to the room and forced him to get out of bed.She (like most moms he thought said to their kids in this moment) told him that it was just a game; and that nothing extremely horrible was going to happen to him or anyone of his teammates because they lost.''Easy for her to say", he thought. She wasn't the one who lost his team their game on a simple play.Instead of arguing with her though; he instead hopped out of bed and got ready for the day.

Once his mom left he quickly read his daily motivational quote for the day( that stood on his night). As went to go shower the boy chopped his quote that would help him through today( having a feeling that his day would not be very good).Then he showered, brushed his teeth, put on deodorant rant, and walked his closet to put on his church clothes. Heading downstairs the boy warmed up some baconand sausagefor breakfast. Afterquicklyscerffing it down, Sky(along with the rest of his family) piled into his mom's car and they drove off to church.As he sat in his seat, Sky thought about Friday's Football game and knew that people would probably not want to talk to him.Entering town he saw signs hanging from houses with his face on them that had a red line across it .Seeing this the boy was in total shock.He understood that he cost his team the game but he thought these signs were a bit overboard. Continuing into downtown New York City, he noticed signs hanging from restaurants and stores that said " No Sky Bennett allowed".Even his favorite burger restaurant had a sighn on it." How was this legal tthe boy thought. Luckily, church was God's place that welcomes everyone.
He was certain that he would be welcomed there. Ariving at their destination, the family hopped out of the car and walked twoards th door.Just as they were about to open the door, they saw a note posted on it was a sign that said no Sky Bennett allowed. "This was ridiculous Sky thought".Despite this though the family was determined to go to attended their church. First they needed a disguise to sneak in.Then suddenly, Sky noticed three black robes with veils on them scattered on the floor. Then the family quickly ran to go grab and put their outfits.Felling the outfits the family noticed that the pockts had a strange crunchy feeling , but they figured it was probably just the padding. However, the rest of the robe felt completely normal.Anyways,Walking into the sanctuary, the family still got some stares, but luckily no one recognized them. Following the accolites lighting the candles , Pastor Frank walked up to the pulpit and lead the congregation in the oppenning prayer. Next he went over the some of the week announcemts including Friday's game. Then the choir began singing their introit. Following that the ushers came around to collect people's offerings. Once they were all done and had prayed at the pulpit,the choir director led the choir and congregation in singing worship songs.Just as they were finishing up with their Las song the cops came bursting through the door saying that they were looking for 3 robbers wearing black robes. Feeling the pockets of their outfits, Sky's family felt a something really crunchy in them and realized that they were wearing 3 robbers outfits. Hearing this the crowed gasped. Remembering the eerie feeling of his pockets the family felt them again and realised that thaft the robes they had taken were from 3 criminals who had probably left there jackets there in an attempt to escape the police.Now they felt embarrassed and nervous knowing that even though they didnt steal the money originally, they could still get caught and jail tim for having possesion of the money and matching the description.Descretely the family tried take the money out from in their pockets, but for some reason the pockets were sewed shut.Next they tried to take off the robes but the more they tried to loosen it the tighter it got. Finally they just decided to hope nobody recognized their outfits. Unfortunately this only lasted for 2 minuttes when their pastor pointed them out to the police.Now having no other choice the Bennett family quickly darted out of the chrch and into their car.
Frantically Mr.Bennett started up the car and began driving home. Not long after this their escape was accompanied by the loud tunes of police sirens flaring. Now racing against the law, everones heart became an un controllable racecar. Oppening the glove department, Mrs. Bennett looked long and hard for something to cut open the pockets of their robs with.Unfortunatly this waas a fruitless effort as she couldng find aanything.To make matters worse a mile a way from home, the fuel ligth turned on and the Bennets had to stop at a gas station. While Mr. Bennet was busy pumping gas into the car,Mrs. Bennett went inside the gastation store in search of some scissors.Once she had paid for them the family was finally able to oppen the pockets and take the money along with the id's of the actual criminals. When the cops arrived the family appoligized for fleeing the scene and Mr. Bennett explained the situation to them and gave cops they money and id's.They were also able to take the robes off too now and hand them over. After what had  been a very eventful Sunday, the family decided to  go to bed and get some rest for the upcoming week.That night, before  he went to bed, Sky took sometime to reflect on his crazy weekend from loosing his team their championship game to running from the cops. "Man what a weekend", he thought.

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