every single fanfic idea ever

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x = not started
o = started
? = started but not on wattpad 

o Hufflepuff!Harry Potter

o Q (irl) goes to LN (smp) 

o There was a fake T so the real one comes back who of which wasn't there for years and healed 

o T runaway but with chat? Healing arc?  

? T get sent to when he died as a 9yr old 

o MTeers heal/save T from orig. timeline  

o earth dies, T goes freezer mode as orphan but then stuff go BAD and meet SB 

o SI/OC meet T and runaway later and become famous motorcyclists 

x Eragon leaves to the island after the cycle, and Brom revived himself bc he's like DAD POWER???? 

x T and TB or BRDuo timeloop pog 

o PTopia era when T was getting drowned by water and piston but he actually dies 

x T gets kidnapped for ransom, gets in trouble and taken away, escapes 4-6 years later and needs to find family (SB PIRATE/MEDIEVAL) 

x Hobo kills Cece, but what if she acted differently when she found out? What if she offered HER heart to save the tree? 

o DDuo timeloop/travel

x T dies in prison, gets revived but as a baby and TB is responsible for caring for him

x MC commits before Nat gets murdered by herself and Nat has to deal with the aftermath and slowly reveals with the help of Sayori MC's depression and anxiety and the stuff he stressed over also that he was a war criminal in another country also because he was so obbsessive he started to sh and they found his nife collection

x Omg, Kitty isn't Aph, separate people, and Ein asks Aph how to ask Kitty out ilt so much

x Daemos manage to get Asche or however his name is spelt back, they go to Ava's apartment, but she isn't there, and she isn't back for           a long time, and then after a day or her not being home the daemos decide "nah shi bro we gota go back to our place" so they use their magic and go back to their place and then asthey walk around to find wherever they're meant to go, they stumble across,..... "
*boom* a dead ava. OMG 😱 this time she don't come back and now they're sad

x Percy and Harry meet in the 5th book: they are now besties and troll EVERYONE. No sad.

x Chat becomes real and is now a human, T now has a companion that cannot leave

x T gets voices 😈😈😈😈

x Harry dies after he kills moldyshorts cuz dumblydoor said so and the ministry prefers dead guys over saviors so he goes back in time before he got his Hogwarts letter

x Basically the same as the last one but Harry goes back before he was born to get Tom out of the orphanage and becomes a parental figure

x Continuation of the first one but years later when Tom is more than halfway through Hogwarts one day Hermione, Ron, Luna and Neville from the original timeline (not canon) come back to get Harry since they never wanted him to die and then they figure out wtf was going on

x Harry goes to Azkaban. That was a mistake.

x MC goes into a coma. This will require some work; MC saves Sayori and helps her heal, but later, also tries with Natsuki, who moved in with Sayori, later also saves Yuri, but by the time he gets Yuri to the hospital, he gets hit by a fucking truck and basically dies, Yuri's fine tho, and he all has been piling up the stress and anxiety plus let's say I'm projecting on him, has a possibility of depression, and then cue the coma for several years and he feels like shit but he saved 4 people's lives. then everyone expects him to act like an adult which is unfair and he breaks down and khs

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