hehe silly little forgetful me

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to the 14th to the now 22nd,I had a wonderful week how about you?

I'll go first; I saw my grandma,  Friday afternoon to very late Monday night around 8-9 the next week technically

Let's talk about this one baby,

So in 2018, 4 years ago, me and my little brother took this little babydoll with nice blue eyes and pink clothes, and chucked it into the woods. Jus t full on PUNT. Tossed the little midget into the metaverse cause bitch I  THREW IT.

Summer of 2020, we concluded it as lost.

And now, ?Spring? of 2022, Sunday, February 20th, we entered the ominous but small acre of lands filled with trees, in 30-40 degree weather, Because I'm a bad bitch and you can't kill me I started digging around this area that had something suspiciously pink under the leaves.

It's the fucking baby.

So the next day, Monday, in the afternoon, with the baby and many sticks in hand, we traversed to this one tree which we might've killed something in, and SHOVED THE BABIES DEAD CARCASS INTO THE HOLE OF THE TREE. 

Anyway I have not slept all that well today very funnily enough 

how was ur weekend ;)

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