Almost a Date...

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Cole rubbed his eyes, walking down the stairs to the monastery. He planned on going to the city. He wanted to see if his little nook was still hidden and unknown or if someone else had found it.

He went by himself. He would've brought Rocky, but Rocky was being fussy with him. It was like something had made Rocky angry with him.

Cole didn't mind that much, though. He was used to being alone with his thoughts.

When he finally arrived to the city, he paused and pulled out his wallet. He knew there was an art store not that far away and he's been wanting to draw again.

Alek sometimes let Cole draw, if he had finished his tasks. Cole did them as quick as he could so he could draw as many often as he could.

Cole walked into the store, looking around. He grabbed a thick sketchbook and a box of a bunch of fancy drawing pencils. He paid for it and was given the items into a tote bag.

He walked down the canal, hoping down to the sidewalk on the bottom. Cole came across the hole that led to his nook.

"Okay. Hopefully you'll still fit," Cole mumbled as he pushed the tote bag in.

He crawled in, managing to fit. He felt around and found the old lantern he used to use almost every night. Cole flicked it on, showing that no one else had found it.

Memories flooded his mind as he picked up some of the old drawings that littered the floor. He stared at one that he had made of his mother.

Tears welled up in his eyes. He hadn't thought of his mom in years. It was a painful memory.

He threw the drawing aside, sniffling. There was no way in Ninjago she would be proud of him.

Cole was a murderer, an assassin, and a liar. Why would someone with such a kind, beautiful soul be proud of a monstrous soul like his?

His phone started ringing, so he pulled it out of his pocket and answered it. "Hello?"

"Cole!" Jay's voice came, causing Cole's heart to skip a beat. "Where are you?"

"Oh, I went to Ninjago City."

"But Rocky's still here."

"Oh, he's mad at me for something. I don't know what I did."

Jay frowned. "Where in Ninjago City are you? I'll come pick you up?"

"I'm by Canal X-3."

"You're in the heart of the city?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I don't know where to find it. I've never actually gone to Ninjago City."

"You should be able to find it. Just fly Whisp until you canals. Then you can ask someone where Canal X-3 is."

"Oorrr, we could meet up somewhere and go out for dinner?"

"I thought you have a date with Nya tonight."

"She canceled. Said something about wanting to hang out with Kai. I figured, since we haven't done anything in a while just the two of us, we could do something. Go out for food then see a movie or the other way around."

"That sounds fun." Cole's stomach did summersaults. He would never say it, but it felt almost like a date. "See you soon?"

"Yep!" Jay hung up.

Cole crawled out of the nook, the tote bag in hand. He climbed back onto the public sidewalk and waited for Jay, crossing his arms. People avoided him, not wanting to bother the guy with his arms crossed and a resting bitch face. 

"Cole!" Jay shouted as Whisp landed. He jumped off his dragon and ran toward his best friend. He jumped up, hugging Cole.

Cole chuckled, supporting Jay's weight pretty easily, and spun around. Jay giggled, causing Cole to smile. "Jay!"

"I made a reservation at Mr. Chen's Noodle House. Whisp'll take us there."

"I love Mr. Chen's Noodle House! I wonder what it tastes like fresh."

Jay bit his lip and grabbed Cole's hand, dragging him to Whisp. Cole stared at their hands intertwined, his cheeks darkening. The two climbed onto the dragon and Whisp took off toward the noodle house. 

They got off and walked inside. They were seated across from each other, water cups for both of them. 

Cole watched the food go by on a conveyer belt, confused by it. "So, we just grab the plate of food?"

Jay nodded as he grabbed a plate. He set it down and picked up his chopsticks. "It's an all you can eat place, so hopefully it'll fill you up."

"Maybe." Cole grabbed a plate for himself.

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