A Bad Feeling

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"Why can't I go, Lloyd? I know the base better than anyone else!"

"I know you do, but we've been over this. You have to stay here because you tried killing yourself a week ago."

Cole winced. "Please let me go."

"No, Cole."

"I'll stay with him," Jay quickly said. "That way, he won't be alone."

"I want to go, please."

"Cole. It's best for you to stay here. I know you want to help take them down, but you're not up to this yet."

Cole huffed and crossed his arms. "But..."

"You're staying here, and that's final."

"Fine," he mumbled in defeat.


The ninja, minus Cole and Jay, arrived at the Assassin's Joy's base. Cole had told them that it was going to be a little empty since most of the members would die in training, but it felt eerily empty.

There wasn't a single person in sight. Everything had been packed up and there wasn't a speck of dirt or dust on the floor or furniture.

"Something feels wrong," Lloyd mumbled.

"Where is everyone?"

"I'm not scanning any signs of life anywhere."

"I have a bad feeling about this..." Lloyd stated as he looked around with his green eyes narrowed. "Where would they have gone?"

"I don't know," Nya replied. "But I think we need to get home. It's over an hour away and I don't want to leave Jay and Cole alone for too long, especially since Cole's out of commission."


The four ninja arrived back at the monastery, the building was destroyed, the windows were broken and the walls scattered in rubble around the courtyard. Small fires were burning around. They gasped and ran inside, calling out for Cole and Jay.

The Big Man held a gun up, pointing it at Jay's head, with a smirk. Cole was pined to the wall by three Assassin's Joy members, and he watched in silent horror.

"Now, now. Cole, you've made me very disappointed. I saw great potential in you, Alek saw great potential in you, and you've wasted it. You made me a vow that you would never tell anyone of us, yet you sent the other ninja to destroy my empire."

Cole didn't say anything, glaring darkly. He couldn't say anything, he didn't know what he could say, and he hated it.

"While they're busy, we came here. I want to personally ruin your life. I think I'll start off by killing your little boyfriend."

"Don't hurt him!"

"Zip lip," the Big Man snapped. Cole pressed his lips together tightly. "You do not get to tell me what to do!"

"Leave him alone," Jay said. "Please don't hurt him."

"Boy, shut up!"

Cole lifted his arms, lifting the two that were pining him against the wall with his arms off the ground. He  feet pounded against the concrete as he ran toward.

A gunshot rang through the entire building, drawing the attention of the others. They ran toward the sound.

Jay squeezed his eyes shut, expecting pain to shoot through him (all puns intended), but it never did. He slowly opened the blue orbs open and looked forward. The scream that exploded from his lips sent shivers down everyone's spines, even the Big Man's. 

He knelt next to Cole, who had taken the bullet for him.


"Let this be a lesson, ninja. Do not try to take us down ever again."

Jay ignored him, pressing his hands into Cole's wound. "Hold on, love."

Cole looked at him. "Jay?"

"Don't talk," Jay instructed, pressing harder. The blood kept flowing around his hands. "Just hold on for me."

Cole winced. "I wish we had more time," his voice was barely above a whisper.

"What do you mean? Of course we have more time! You're going to be okay."


Jay looked at him, a sinking realization washing over him. He put his forehead against Cole's cheek. "I love you."

Cole smiled weakly. "I love you too, Jay."

"You can rest now. We'll be okay."

"Are you sure?"

Jay nodded, tears stinging his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. "I'm sure. You can rest. We'll be okay, I promise."

He felt Cole's breathing slow to a stop, and his lips quivered.

"Good bye, Cole."

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