Part 4: "One Night Stand"

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Izuku grumbled and looked to his right, now usually he avoided trying to have one night stands to avoid his identity being found out and him being outed as abused and the notorious #1 Vigilante in Japan. More specifically as a teenager but for some reason he just can't stop ending up in bed with the same guy. Every time. It's like clockwork, how the hell does this keep happening? An arm latched around his waist, and he was pulled close to a broad chest, he wears baggy clothes for crying out loud!

He glanced behind him to their face, and they showed to still be somewhat asleep but still, how in the hell do they keep ending up in bed together? For the last 6 months it's been an off and on repeat. One minute, they're Hero and Vigilante avoiding and trying to capture each other, the next, they're fucking it out like mad dogs and waking up in the same bed together. He honestly thought he would be the top in this on and off one night stand but was quickly shown otherwise every, single, time. He can't top this guy for nothing and believe him he's tried.

He shimmied his way out of his arm and the mattress, the blanket disappearing off his bear skin as he walked around the hotel room to get dressed again and leave before he woke up. It's how it always went. Either he or the other guy left before the other woke up, usually it was Izuku who was out the door first before him or in rare times, it was him out the door before Izuku woke up. No idea how that's possible since he had insomnia. He slipped on his underwear and pants and grabbed his shirt and hoodie slipping them on and a face mask. Time to leave before he woke up as usual, he walked towards the door walking past the very few condoms strewn about on the floor and slipped out the door vanishing without another look back to his apartment. 

He grumbled as he opened his eyes, turning on his back with the blankets covering his lower half he wondered how he once again ended up in this situation again, oh right. He got drunk again with the same guy for the last six months. How the hell does that work. 

Sitting up and pushing his hair back, he needed to get up and get back to U.A or Hizashi was going to give him mouth about being late again and be loud. He hates loud sounds. "Fuck I'm gonna have a hangover again" he groaned and got up to get some water to get rid of his headache. Why was he constantly ending up in bed with the same guy? It didn't make sense, neither did the sex yet they still did it. He couldn't have been the only one drunk every time this happened, no way in hell... Maybe but he doesn't drink much yet still has hangovers. Ugh he needs coffee. 

He got out of bed and lazily cleaned up the condoms from the floor before getting dressed to unfortunately teacher his brats that are his students, he didn't necessarily dislike them he just did not want to teach.  

Still feeling tired he whisked the room key into his pocket and walked out of the room to return the room key to the front desk and went on his way back to U.A, sometimes he wished he had a fucking car to just drive. He sighed and yawned, looking up and seeing Izuku running about by jumping across the roofs, now that damped his mood to make him look irritated. He can't fucking catch him, nor can he land a hit on him. It annoys him. Why was he tasked with catching him again when there was more than enough different Heroes to catch the damn Vigilante, yet he was chosen, pure bullshit and still puts him in a sour mood. Being lazy he decided that once he enters U.A he'll just go caterpillar mode in his sleeping bag and just take forever to get to his class, maybe that'll show he does not want to be here. That however changed once he entered the building and Nezu called for him, he huffed out annoyed and changed directions to Nezu's office. 

He stepped into the elevator and pushed the button for the top floor, what did he want now?

The elevator dinged and he stepped out walking to pretty much the only door at the top of the school and entered it, clearly annoyed and stumbling a bit from hangover. "Fun night I assume?" he glared, "What?" he grumbled hand wiping down his face of the tiredness, Nezu grinned, something about that grin seemed off. He didn't know he was constantly ending up in bed with his same constant one night stand, right? He'll never hear the end of it. "Oh, just I seem to have picked up hearing some gossip that you are having fun nights with someone" that irked him, "How in the hell would anyone know about that?!" he yelled, "I have a high intelligence, plus it also helps how you don't do well with Hangovers" oh for fucks sake are you kidding me?! "If you called me here to talk about my one night stand your outta luck" he told him and turned to walk out, "I don't believe it's just a one night stand, Aizawa" he stopped and turned his head to look at him, "What makes you say that?" he demanded, quite literally ready to just announce that Nezu is an asshole. "You'll see eventually, don't worry" he chuckled as if he just gave Aizawa any fucking clue on what the hell he was spewing, this annoyed him more. He left. 

Nezu turned in his chair, looking out the large floor to ceiling windows in his office, spotting Izuku a bit far from the school taking care of a building on fire. Out of the Heroes probably arriving towards that area, he always stuck out and he made sure he did if the bunch of portals didn't make the grand announcement. It was just a hunch of sorts, but there was something more going on between Shota Aizawa and Ghost Bunny: Izuku. 



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