Chapter One: Bruises That Won't Heal

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December 2023 Edit: This chapter will include some dialog that is out of character for some characters, and looking back, I am not that proud of how this chapter turned out. My apologies. 


Date: May 14th

Time: 8:57 PM

Sydney leaned forward on her chair, realizing how she was being somewhat harsh to the younger calico. After a few minutes, the younger calico, Li'l Sydney, questioned.

Li'l Sydney: Hey, Mama, how come Dog Cop and Auto-ism can't live with us?

Sydney: Because they CAN'T!

Sydney snapped back, getting tired of how this kitten was obsessed with her friends. At least she had at least one good and healthy family in case she (Sydney) couldn't always provide one for her.

Li'l Sydney: Why?

Sydney: Because it just wouldn't work out!

Li'l Sydney: Why?

Sydney: Because I'm smart and they're a couple of barely smart boneheads!

Sydney said that while crossing her arms and rolling her eyes.

Li'l Sydney: Why?

Sydney: Would you cut that out?!!?

Li'l Sydney: Why?


Li'l Sydney: Why?


Li'l Sydney: Why?

Sydney: Because you don't realize how GOOD you've got it!

Li'l Sydney: Why?

Sydney: Because you have a Mama who loves you!

Li'l Sydney: ..Don't you?

Sydney then realized how she maybe had over shared a bit with the younger kitten. She looked down, pondering what to say next.

Sydney: Look, kid- I'm trying to be good to you. I wanna give you what I never had!

Sydney: when I was a kid, my Mama didn't care about me at all! She never approved of ANYTHING I did and hated my guts!

Lil Sydney: She did?

Sydney: Yep. She never let me love or be who I wanted.

Li'l Sydney: Love?

Sydney: Yeah, she went bezerk when I let her meet my old friend.

Sydney said cautiously, not wanting to remember.

Li'l Sydney: Hey, I know! Let's find them! Both of them! That way you can have your Mama and see your friend again!

Book One: Present | Dog Man Dead Petey AUWhere stories live. Discover now