Chapter Nine: Going To Cat Jail To Talk To That Old Lady

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This chapter will include:

-slight mentions of death and technical kidnapping

You have been informed.

May 16

8:30-9:00 AM


Sydney had called Zuzu to ask if she could watch Li'l Sydney. The dog barked happily and hung up, and Sydney guessed that was a yes.

After telling Li'l Sydney about where they were going, Sydney grabbed a light jacket (it started raining heavily) and they were off to their destination.

The walk wasn't long, but it felt like that for Peter, who seemed to feel slightly awkward. Sydney didn't notice.

When they arrived at the building, Sydney opened the door and what awaited the two looked to be a waiting room with a desk at the front.

Sydney walked up to the desk, to which the person sitting there noticed her immediately.

Guard: Sydney! Haven't seen you since.. well, a couple days ago, actually! You just couldn't stay away, could you?

Sydney: You and I both know that's not true. Now, is there any way for me to visit one of the prisoners? I have some questions I need to ask.

Guard: Sure! Who ya visiting?

Sydney: Mrs. Lawson

The guard wrote down a note on a piece of paper.

Guard: Alright, I'll get ya checked out! You and your friend can have a seat on those chairs while ya wait.

So Sydney and Peter both walked towards the seats and sat down with an empty seat in between them.

Peter looked puzzled, and asked Sydney a question.

Peter: What did they mean by not having seen you for a couple of days?

Sydney: I don't want to talk about it right now.

Sydney snapped back, to which Peter kept quiet for the rest of the wait.

The two of them were now in another room, which seemed to be empty except for a few chairs. There were two doors- one which was leading to the waiting room, and one that led to the jail cells.

[Think of the scene in book 8 when Petey and Li'l Petey are visiting Grampa. This is that room.]

Sydney wasn't wearing her jacket, and it was placed on a chair near the exit door to the room.

The two cats stood there until the jail cell door opened, and a guard came out with a white cat following behind him. It was Mrs. Lawson, and she was in handcuffs to not hurt anyone.

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