Chapter Six: A Buncha Stuff That Happened Next

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Warning, this chapter will include:
-paranormal activity

Also, just know that Peter's bed is just a mattress on the floor.

I know that in chapter 2 it described it having some stuff underneath so the bed could be a little bit levitated off the floor, but I am currently too busy with other stuff to change it.

So now, just pretend it's always been a mattress on the floor.


Date: May 15th
Time: 5:18 PM

Peter sat against a tree at the park. He sat here every time he was upset or just needed a break, and this was definitely a time when he was upset AND needed a break.

Sydney's voice ran through his mind. He's dead. He's dead. He's dead.

And it was Peter's fault.

Why couldn't he have just been there?? His son- their son- would've been okay.

And yet his own way to protect him was the thing that killed him.

Peter: "So LEAVING them was a way of protection????"

Peter thought to himself. It had been his biggest regret for the past 10 years, but now it made his stomach feel like knots.

Thinking about it made him sick with guilt and pain. God, why was he like this???

Peter tried looking at his surroundings as a way to calm down, that always helped

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Peter tried looking at his surroundings as a way to calm down, that always helped. His eyes darted from color to color, object to object, person to person.

And yet this time it seemed to make it worse, just making Peter more overwhelmed.

The sun was bright, the grass was spiky, the cars were overly loud and left an acid-like smell behind. He wanted to leave.

And so he did.

Peter tried to get out of the noisy park and walked straight to the nearest bus station.


Time: 8:34

Peter forgot how to use buses.

Well, firstly, he got on the bus, and remembered he needed to pick up more groceries, as all he currently has is bread. Then he got off the bus and went to the store, where he was for about an hour.

Book One: Present | Dog Man Dead Petey AUWhere stories live. Discover now