Chapter Three: What Happened To Your Good Sense?

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Warning, this chapter will include:

-Mentions of blood
-Mentions of manipulative behavior

You have been informed.

Also this chapter feels like an old 2020 gacha wattpad fanfiction and it hasn't had a full read before I'm posting it,  I'm so sorry about that


January 2024 update: This chapter contains what is described as a panic attack, but displays it incorrectly. My dearest apologies for this.
A panic attack is something serious. If you have them, I am genuinely very sorry, I used to get them a lot in middle school. I know how scary they can be.
Please know that the best thing to do in that moment is to remember to breathe deeply and get to someplace quiet if you can. My heart goes out to you. Don't forget to stand up for yourself.


Date: May 15th



This cannot be possible.

First, her mother was at her doorstep- probably due to that robot she created for Li'l Sydney- now him??? The cat whom she hadn’t seen for 10 years? The one who left her??

Peter: S-Sydney?

She stared at him for a moment, expressionless (mostly due to shock), and then a frown came upon her face.

Sydney: You need to leave. I do not want you here.

Peter: W-What??

Stepping back, mostly to try and grab Li’l Sydney to hold her close behind her, Sydney repeated herself, her paw now starting to shake as a reaction to being overwhelmed.

Sydney: You heard me the first time. I want you to leave, and never show your face here again.

Peter: But- I- okay. [calmly] I’m sorry, it’s the robot that brought me here.

Peter pointed towards Auto-ism who was behind him.

Peter: I didn’t have any part in this, alright? I-

Peter's attention drifted down to the small calico who was holding onto Sydney’s leg. Sydney had her paw on the kitten’s head, wanting her to stay close to her. Peter hadn't noticed her before, but Li’l Sydney was staring at him, wide eyed and with confusion about what was happening.

Sydney: Peter.

Sydney said, more sternly, and almost yelling at him in alarm.

Sydney: I asked for you to leave.

Peter: Okay, I'm sorry. I'll lea—

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