Chapter Seven: The Awful Truth

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May 16th

Time: around 7:30-8:30 AM

It was a slightly foggy day, and the grass was wet from raining the night before. The sun peaked through the clouds. It seemed very peaceful.

Li'l Sydney had woken up earlier than her mom, which was sometimes normal, and was VERY normal in the past 2 days.

She was laying on her floor coloring with her crayons, until her eyes wandered over to the drawing from last night.

The drawing wasn't perfect, but that was okay. She's been trying to practice better at drawing, and this picture was more like an experiment. She felt sad that people said their art was bad, when it was really good to her.

She started thinking about Petey. Where did he come from? He is a nice friend, but why did he try to stop her from going downstairs?

Well, best not to think about it right now. Li'l Sydney was confused, but didn't have much interest in the thought.

She was laying on her stomach with a piece of paper in front of her, a Crayola crayon in her paw, and humming a little song while kicking her feet. She stayed like this for a while, about 15 minutes.

Knock knock knock

Someone knocked on the front door, and Li'l Sydney's ears perked up to the sound. It was downstairs, but she could somehow still hear it. She had really good hearing! That was something she was proud of.

The small cat stood up and walked quickly out into the small hallway and down the stairs and opened the door. The stairs were less than 4 feet away from the door, so she could easily get to it fast.

She grabbed the door knob (which wasn't THAT hard, but the knob was up to her face, so still kind of difficult) and opened the door, to which she was met by an orange cat in a brown-gray jacket. It was the cat from last night!

Peter: Oh, hello-was expecting Sydney to open the door, is she here? I'd like to talk to her.

The cat said, surprised to see the kitten.

Li'l Sydney: she's upstairs sleeping. She doesn't like being woken up

Peter chuckled and stared off to the side.

Peter: Yeah, I know.

Peter: Is there any way to wake her up?

Li'l Sydney nodded.

Li'l Sydney: Yeah, I'll try my best.

She looked at him confidently, like she was about to complete an incredibly important mission. She then turned around and ran quickly up the stairs.

Walking into Sydney's room, Li'l Sydney raced towards the bed and shook her mom awake.

Sydney groaned and swatted the kitten away with her paw.

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