Chapter Ten: But They Will Visit You Occasionally- Do Not Be Afraid.

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This chapter will include:

-Technical death
-Mentions of death
-A main character that goes missing
-Mentions of blood
-Mentions of coughing up blood
-Mentions of hospitals and needles (at the end)
-Creepy forests that are in no way a reference to a different Dog Man book
-gay people

You have been informed.

This chapter in no way is supposed to be copying any other Dog Man story where a character goes missing. I had thought of this chapter before realizing that this has become a popular thing in Dog Man fanfics. I am sorry to anyone who has written a story with this plot and feels like I am copying them, I do not mean any harm while posting this.

May 17

Time: 9-10 AM

The entire rest of the day was Sydney trying her best to spend as much time with LS as possible, and for a bit Zuzu was there too before she had to go back to work.

Sydney hadn't initially wanted her there, but decided it was okay for the dog to be with the kid.

Sydney and the kid had ended up building more of the robot from the previous days, and it had actually gone pretty well, considering Li'l Sydney is legally 2-3 years old (due to a mess up in the cloning machine, she is actually 8-9).

Now it was the next morning and Sydney was at her table while plotting down more ideas for some robots. It felt nice to draw them out, even though they most likely weren't going to be made. She could always sell the blueprints for them.

While drinking some coffee (that she was NOT addicted to. I see who you people are, I know who's reading this), Sydney was tapped on the arm by her kid. She looked at Li'l Sydney and put the cup down.

Sydney: Oh, sorry kid, didn't see you there.

Li'l Sydney: That's okay!

Li'l Sydney: Mama, can I go outside and play? Like in the front of the house?

Sydney: [pause before talking] ..Well, I guess it's okay. It's nice outside, not too cold and not too warm. I'll go get a chair and go out with you.

Li'l Sydney smiled and ran to the door to wait.

Sydney had done just what she said. She had gotten a blue fold-up chair and a clipboard so she could still work.

[Like a camping chair, NOT one you'd find at a pool/water park.]

Li'l Sydney was out sitting on a patch of grass near the house, still on the older calico's property, about 6-9 feet away. She sometimes ran around and laughed to herself, and she seemed to be talking to someone. Sydney didn't pay much mind.

Sydney: "All kids have imaginary friends, it's normal."

But then she remembered what Peter had said yesterday. Although she wasn't a "real believer" in ghosts but still liked learning about cryptics of the sort, and didn't fully believe Peter, there was still a small part of her that did. And it really irritated her.

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