Chapter 11: See How The Heart Plays Profound. (See How He Lies!-)

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This chapter will include:

-Mentions of death
-A main character getting lost
-Mentions of falling off of cliffs

You have been informed.


A little note before I start this chapter:
This story is only posted on Wattpad and Archive Of Our Own. If you see it on any other site, please try to report it and do not read it there.

There is a Tumblr account that promotes the stories as well, and that is official. But any other websites besides these main 2 are not official.

The Wattpad account is @dp_dogman_official and the AO3 is @Wolf_ie. The Tumblr is @dp-au.

The reason I'm informing you about this is because of this website called "" I have recently discovered that my own writing has been stolen and put up without my permission, as well as every single Wattpad story. Please do not interact with this site and please try to report it.

If you do wish to view the website, please use an ad blocker and be incredibly careful. The ads are directed towards adults and some contain worms or bugs that may make people extremely uncomfortable.

Thank you, and enjoy the story. You only have so little of it left.


May 17

Time: 9-10 AM


Li'l Sydney was sitting on the couch watching TV. Nothing special was on, so she wondered what she could do.

Color? Well, she's been doing that a lot lately. Watch TV? She was doing that right now!

Well, she could go outside and play. But she didn't have anyone to play with!

She also didn't want to bother her mom right now. She was in the other room, so Li'l Sydney couldn't see her. It'd been a hard couple of days, and she wanted her to be able to be calm today.

That presence was back. She looked over to her side and there he was- the cat from the other night!

Li'l Sydney: HI!

Petey: Hello! ^_^

Petey: Whadya watchin?

Petey floated beside the kitten and looked at the TV.

Li'l Sydney: I'm not really sure, I forget the name of it. But it's about some cartoon characters running around a movie studio- there's three of them I think. But there are also little episodes within the episodes. I think they're called segments.

Petey: Oh, yeah! I remember this show! :] I used to watch it, but I also forget the name. Sad! ;-;

Li'l Sydney: Yeah. Well, I was kinda getting bored of watching this, though. Would you like to do something? Color or go outside to play?

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