Chapter Eight: Hey! This chapters in the past! Sweeeet

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The chapter will include:

-kidnapping. Kind of. But just in case, I'm putting it here 

-mentions if poisoning someone/murder
-someone who earns his life /j

You have been informed.


January 2024 Update: I am not that proud of how this chapter turned out. My apologies.

Date: January 2006

Time: around 8:30-9:00 PM


There was a tiny, white-beige house that sat on a tiny yard. There were some trees around, and there were some houses near.

You could hear the small city which was about a 2 minute walk from the small neighborhood, where a grocery store and other miscellaneous buildings were seated.

The door to the house opened and a cat stepped out. Said cat waved goodbye and walked out onto the sidewalk and to the city.

It was raining, and he was still wearing a jacket. He didn't want to get rain water all soaked through his fur.

The scenery was dark and almost all he smelled was smoke mixed with rain and car fuel, but I guess that's what happens when you walk into a city. Cars exist.

They needed groceries for the week, and since he forgot yesterday, he decided it was his responsibility to get them as soon as he remembered.

He passed a small bus station which lit up the area around it, providing the cat a little bit of light.

He was coming up by an alley which was about 2 minutes away from the store. He was just about to pass it, until-


The orange cat awoke, only to be found in a dark room. He was sitting on a chair.

His head hurt, and badly. Had.. had he been hit on the head?

Then the cat got fully aware of the situation he was in.

Where was he? How did he get here? Did he die!? He didn't even get the groceries!!

A light turned on from above him. It looked like he was in one of those old classic movie interrogation scenes.

He didn't seem to be tied to the chair, though, but he didn't know where he was, so he didn't feel safe enough to start running around everywhere, even though that would have been one of his first instincts to do so.

He could see an outline in the dark in front of him. The cat was too scared to say anything, so he just looked at the shadows in horror.

[ ]: Pete.

The voice was raspy, but not fully yet. The cat looked out into the darkness in front of him, confused on how the shadows almost knew his name.

Book One: Present | Dog Man Dead Petey AUWhere stories live. Discover now