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You sat on the porch, motionless and expressionless. The news earlier had led you into an emotion that you couldn't describe. Nothing seems to matter anymore, you just felt nothing as you sat and stared into the sunset.

However even though you were expressionless and calm on the outside, your thoughts were raging like wild fire on the inside. So much that you genuinely want to just stop thinking but the thoughts just won't quit thinking themselves in your head. You wouldn't or simply couldn't stop thinking to the point of a physical headache.

'Who is that Shinazugawa guy? He's an hashira too huh'. For him to make Kanae go out with him, he must be quite a great person.'

'I'm so stupid. I actually thought I had a chance? I'm a fucking child. Ofcourse she wouldn't take me serious'.

'Wait! Wait,wait,wait. Why i'm I like this? I'm Y/N L/N, It's just one girl. I don't give a fuck what she does. She not my girl anyways I don't need her'

'If not then, why I'm I still thinking of her? Just stop thinking!! It's getting annoying, Think of something else! Something else! Something else!....... Just like Kanae got someone else. Maybe I just wasn't good enough for her. She probably laughed at me behind my back'

No matter what you did, you couldn't get out of your own head. Until a certain person did it instantly.


"Huh?" You turned around to see the woman you'd been obsessing over.

"Y/N-Kuuuuun!" She pulled you into a hug. "How have you been, I missed you soooo

You didn't know what to do at that moment. You thought of just spilling your feelings out to her but that'd be weird for both of you.

So you decided it was easier to simply say nothing. Also, you didn't realize until you saw that tempting smile of hers, just how much you truly missed her.

"I missed you too, Kanae-san"

As you both went inside, she explained what the situation is to you. You're a Tsuguko that had been put under her watch in order to prepare for the position of a hashira.

* * * * * *





The sounds of wooden swords violently clashing against one another engulfs the dojo. Hashira, Kane Kocho and her Tsuguko Y/N L/N are dueling with incredible speed.

You'd expect the Hashira to be gaining the upper hand but the younger child is splendidly holding his own.

Few minutes later, the duel will come to an end.

"My win" the boys says.

Kanae POV

My duel with Y/N-kun came to an end as he had his wooden sword was pressed against my neck.

"Hahhh my loss" I sighed. "That makes how many wins for you?"

"Uh- um- I lost count" he replied avoiding my gaze.

"Are you saying you hadn't been paying attention during our duels!? Have I been wasting my time!?" I yelled.

"Uh? uhhh- no of course I was!?" His voice quickened.

"Then why did you lose count?"

"B-because I was so immersed in dueling with you that I stopped thinking" he said.

He said those words and I simply couldn't hold my laughter. He was so cute.

"Pfft- Hahahahahahaha! Y/N-kun, you're so cute. Why'd you get so scared? It wasn't even that serious hahahaha"

"Well, you looked so mad and-"

"It's fine, I lost count of our duels because I enjoyed it too. "

"Tch whatever" he pouted.

"What? Are you angry?" I went to drop the wooden sword.

"No. I'm just annoyed" he said in a serious tone.

"U...pfft haha. That's literally the same thing?? What's up with your vocabularies today." I couldn't hold my laughter.

He looked at me with the most defeated look on his face. Probably because he realized how stupid he sounded too.

"Hahhahaeeeeeeeaaaoooohahahaha. Ha...Ha...Ha...you're so cute. I lo..*cough*" I finally calmed down.

"So wanna grab something to eat?"

"Are all the Hashiras this weird?" He asked.

"Ask them when you become one yourself. Wanna grab something to eat?"

"Nope. I'm going to bed. It's too late." He bowed and walked away.

'What's wrong with him? He wasn't this moody when I met him' I thought.

* * * * * *

It's been a few days since Y/N-kun got here. While our training is going well, in fact it couldn't be going better.

He's incredibly very strong and if he's able to best me in a duel he might already be a Hashira level demon slayer.

I keep him around, to make sure it's not a fluke because being an Hashira one year after becoming a demon slayer is simply unheard of. That puts the every single Hashira including myself to shame. To top it off, I feel like he's not even close to his true potential yet.

What worries me more is his sudden change in personality. He's just seemed so...distant. But he wasn't like that when he first got here.


"Doesn't matter! I'll beat them all and... and once I become strong enough.... I'll make you love me, Kanae Kocho

FlashBack End

"As I thought. His words back then were just ramblings of a hormonal teen" I sighed in disappointment.

'but those eyes...' I thought. 'Maybe those were just a fluke. I was just a fleeting crush to him.'


Kanae came to the conclusion that Y/N's love confession a year prior was just meaningless infatuation of a child. It sounds the most plausible, the child was only 12 afterall.

The Y/N she knew was a facade because he liked her and wanted to impress her, once he loses interest he doesn't care about her anymore.

But even though she knew she shouldn't be, She couldn't control the melancholic feelings that engulfed her. She doesn't acknowledge it. But deep down, she knows that it's because she might've felt something for Y/N's words.

A/N- We'll begin to advance in a more mature direction starting next week. So hope you have a great week, see you when I see you!!! Ciao👋! Au Revoir👋! Adios👋!

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