Days Later

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Few days after Tamayo was attacked, two things happened.

On the positive side; Tamayo, Y/N, Yushiro and their newly acquired demon test subject, managed to move from their region without much setbacks.

Although still in Tokyo, it's not in the heart of the city like the last one. Tamayo will not be accepting patients again, at least not as often, giving her more time to focus on her research.

Yushiro is going to be of help as always and has vowed to put all his power into making sure the house is perfectly concealed at all times. The demon is co-operating without even a drop of resistance. Why won't she?

Tamayo is the only one who has shown any kindness towards her. The other two men are ready to kill her the moment she does something as breath the wrong way. She is obviously reluctant to be there as she'd rather have her freedom but this is her best bet to survival given the atmosphere of the party,

Then there's the negative side; the atmosphere of the party. Whether you knew them or not, the aura surrounding them is contagiously depressing.

Over the past several days, they've barely even spoken to each other. And that's Tamayo and Yushiro. Y/N has not said a single word since that night. No small talk, no smiles, nothing. Just showing this, an outsider would think they're strangers.

"Yushiro...? Do you have any idea where Y/N might be?" Tamayo asked.

"Not at all, Lady Tamayo. That boy just wanders anywhere now" Yushiro replied.

"When we just barely escaped Kibutsuji too? He shouldn't be so..." says Tamayo with a mix of anger and worry.

"I'll go and look for him, keep an eye on the girl" she gets up.

"But you don't have to do that, Lady Tamayo? I'm sure he'll be fine! There's nothing to worry about"

"You don't think I know that!? But I just can't rest if I don't see him, not with the way he is now" she opens the door.


"You will stay here. Do not follow me" she ordered before walking away.

"Tsk, you never get that worried for me" he whispers as sits back down, defeated.

* * * * * *

Walking aimlessly in the middle of a crowded street is ofcourse Y/N. Drowning in his head with no sense of direction or even basic fore-thought. His mind is occupied by the same thoughts over and over.


'I don't believe it... It isn't true. She can't be dead. What if all this is just a prank? I mean it's not impossible. Maybe they're all collectively actors. What if this is just fiction and everybody isn't real. There's no way Kanae died. I mean... I spoke to her mere hours before.'

In his 53 years of existence in the universe. He's never been hit with as much grief as this. Not when he died. Not even when he lost Sakura and Haruto or his other parents.

His mind is occupied by the same thoughts over and over. As he kept walking thoughtlessly, he unwittingly tripped on a road pebble.

"Ugh... shit" he said as he watched feet moving past him.

"Awn, Are you okaay!!? Such a cutie too" a beautiful young lady, said as she tried to help him up. She looks to be about her late teens to early twenties.

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"Thank you miss" you said and kept walking.

"Hey..." the lady stopped you. "Are you going anywhere urgent?"


* * * * * *

The lady who introduced herself as Saori brought you to an empty little bar.

"My mother works here. She can't know I brought a stranger to her place" she giggled.

She held your hand delicately. Slightly drawing to sit with her.

"Talk to me? Where were you going? Where are your parents?" she said, pouring you both drinks.

You said nothing, you couldn't even muster the care enough to even speak. You just sat there, staring at nothing. Empty.

"Silent one, are we? That's fine." she slowly put her hand over yours giving it a little rub.

"We can sit in peaceful silence"

Few minutes later

"Hey, Isn't it kind of boring here? Don't you wish to try anything?" Saori smiles, tugging on your shirt.

No reaction from you.

"Come on~ don't be shy~" she pushes her chest towards you even more.

Still no reaction.

"You're so mean, Lots of men would die to be in your position. Y'know" she steps back, with arms crossed and pouting lips.

"You're lucky, you're so goodlooking. That's why you're still here." even though she kept talking and talking. While you knew she was there, you mind wasn't even present.

"Oh! I know!" she clapped her hands, like she just made a crazy discovery. "Are you one of those boys that freeze up when they talk to a girl? Especially one as pretty as me?" she said.

"Awwn you are so cute... don't worry I'll make it easy" she leans back in all giggly and excited.

"I'll do all the work, just relax, okay?" she said as she slowly connected her lips to yours. She proceeded to take your clothes off and as she moved to your pants.

"Stop!" the door shatters open and Saori was shocked to see an angry, small lady on the other side.

Saori because she just broke her Mother's bar door. You raised an eyebrow because the lady happened to be Tamayo.

A/N- This the last chapter in my drafts. I'm coming with more in a few decades. Please be patient ok? 😁😚.

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