Koinatsu Oiran

332 8 1

3rd POV

         Since you've gotten in this district. You've been doing precisely whatever you want. Yes, the demon is strong. But you weren't worried about it.

You'd see it when you see it.

       What's your main priority right now is the Tokito's house Oiran. Who you've somehow managed to sneak into her function as a servant.

"Hey! You're tasked with serving the drinks at the Oiran's table!! Hurry!!"  the lead waiter yells.

You could almost laugh at his shiny, bald head and his cherry red lipstick to go with it. But you tried so hard to keep your composure. 

"Y-yes!!" You nervously picked up the trays with the pretty ceramic cups as you made your way to their table.

You're selling this nervous, lowly servant act so well. But you're also quite drunk so you're less embarrassed.

As you make your way towards their table, squeezing through the drunk loud men and the half naked women with them. You didn't care as your eyes was set on someone. 

"Oooh he's cute!" One of the Oiran's maidens says as they all turned their eyes towards you, including the Oiran.

   The moment she set her eyes on you, it's almost like all your confidence jumped out the window.  Immediately you want to turn around but you're already in front of them. You have to see it through now. You were actually very nervous now. Not like you've had tons of experiences as a servant. You're drunk and the brightly lit room is not helping either but you have to portray a cool persona. 

"Hmm? I didn't know they had a pretty servant amongst them." The mother of the house says. She looks at you with intrigue, devilishly smiling as she fixes her clothes to make them more revealing. 
"he's young too just my type"

She was sexy, very much so. 

'Calm down. Remember the mission' you reminded yourself. 

 You said nothing back as you served the drinks one by one all the way up until the Oiran.

"Boy, what's your name?" she asked, slowly eating her grapes as she stares into your soul. 

You leaned down to pour the drinks so your faces were about inches away from each other.

'woaaah wtf?? She smells.... AMAZING!! I can feel her smell creep it's way into my brain'

"I'm Y/- um *cough!* Yoshihiro. My name is Yoshihiro." You smiled.

       You never really understood the logic to Oirans, they're very beautiful girls in the district that you think their beauty would rival hers. But just the essence of her can be felt. It's just not the face but the fiercely sexual aura she emits while her outward appearance is so tame.

      Wonder how some people just have some crazy sex appeal about them without even trying.

     You were so carried away in your thoughts that you weren't paying attention and somehow managed to spill the drink on the Oiran.

"oh my god!" The house mother exclaims as the whole table turns their attention to you.

If there's any moment you wished for quick death, it was now. You need the ground to split and swallow you whole. NOW!

The Oiran was calm but the same can't be said for the rest.

"Pretty but clumsy huh'" one of them smiled.

"Hey, dumbass!! Who do you think you're spilling stuff on!?"

'right I gotta act remorseful now!' You thought, suddenly shaken out of your head.

"I-i'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." you bowed, you made sure it's not too cool looking. 

"It's okay. Do you have a place where I can clean it?"

"Yes, follow me please," you replied as she walked with you.

As you made your way to the kitchen, you were in front while she was behind you. 

'oh my God, I'm so drunk I just wanna fly' 

Finally you got the kitchen you realize.

'shit. I don't work here really, I don't know where anything is...fuck!'

You turned around and you saw her already cleaning her clothes with a little napkin.

"You..." she said. "you don't really work here, do you."

'fuck! she caught me!'

You sighed. "Yea... I don't."  Lying would just drag things out.

"Then why're you here?" She asked.

"Well, I don't know"


"I guess you can say I was curious." You smiled.

"Curious about what?" She threw the napkin away and looked at

"I saw you earlier at the parade, heard you were something called an Oiran and thought 'hmm I wonder what kind of person she is, let me see' in hindsight, was a stupid thing to do" you shrugged.

She looked at you like you were an absolute idiot. But she found herself amused.

"And you thought the best way to meet me was by pretending as a servant?" she smiled.

"ahhh Yes" you sighed. "I mean, it's not like I can just come visit you in your quarters now, can I?"

"Who says you can't?" She smiled.

"What, you'll let me come to your- how?"

"You infiltrated a red light district as a pretend servant without getting caught. Figure it out~" she smiled as she walked towards the door.

"I'll be expecting you later, dear Yoshihiro~~" she winked and left.

Leaving you wondering as to how the hell you just pulled that, the drunk mess you are.


A/N- Ok, I'll say this. Unless you're the prettiest guy alive. DO Not try what you just read on any girl irl 😭. It's not gonna workout trust me . Anyways, I'm back and I'll be more consistent now.

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