Eleven. Exploring your new home

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Hello everyone! Sorry this update took a while, a few things happened.
I went to the fair (Had a blast), my dog almost died, I'm still not sure if she'll make it but I'm hopeful! And I finally got a massage.

That's all I wanted to say! Hope you all enjoy :)


The profile snapped closed as you hummed out, maybe you should get out of the bathroom. You'd been in here for a while.

The faint chatter coming from outside of the bathroom flooded your ears once again. You didn't even notice tuning them out.

You dirty clothing clasped in your arms.

You approached the door, staring at your outfit in the mirror before taking a breath and stepping out. Upon the sound of you coming out Dream and Swaps talking stopped and they looked up from their spots on Dream's bed.

A bright smile crosses Dream's face and a smaller one crosses Swap, you could have sworn there was a blue tint to Swap's face.

You shook it off and walked forwards, Dream stood as you moved forwards. He grabbed the dirty clothing in your hands. "Do they fit alright? I know we aren't exactly the same but it's not uncomfortable is it?" Dreams ranted slightly, looking over the outfit. Pulling on different things to make sure they weren't hurting anything.

A small giggle left your mouth "They're fine Dream! Don't worry, they're just a little off" Reassuring him made him pull back, checking over the outfit once more before nodding.

He set the clothes down on the bed, telling you that he would clean them soon.

"Ok!" Dream hummed, clapping his hands together before motioning for Swap to stand. He began to walk out of his room into the hall, you and Swap trailing behind him. "Now that you're in clean clothing you can choose where you want your room"

You stared at him as he turned to look at you, you thought for a moment, not completely sure where you'd like your room. Maybe it was time to let someone else choose for a moment, it would be nice.

"I'm not too sure where I'd like my room to be. Do you think one of you guys could choose for me?" You asked, glancing between the two of them. Swap's smile widened " OF COURSE HUMAN, WE WILL MAKE THE BEST CHOICE FOR YOU " Swap reassured you.

You glanced around the hallway, it was nice, clear, clean... Well besides a small spill of what looked like water on the ground.

You shook your head, focusing back on the chatter going on in front of you "-That's a great idea Swap" Dream spoke, his voice cutting back into your mind as you took it in. "What do you think Y/n?" he turned to you, his eye lights glancing over your body while he waited for an answer. Swap turned to you too, a large smile on his face, his zygomatic bones an off-white colour. "Sure" You spoke, only a hint of hesitation in your words, you had no idea where you had just agreed to put your room.

The three of you walked for a short while, turning a corner before stopping in front of a door, there was a piece of green tape on it and nothing else.

"Here it is!" Dream spoke, walking up to the door and pushing it open so you could see inside.

Swap walked inside first, turning to you and walking backwards with sharp steps. He stopped in the middle of the room, glancing around it as if it was something he'd never seen before. "THIS IS YOUR ROOM Y/N, MY ROOM IS ACROSS THE HALL, WE JUST CAME FROM DREAMS SO YOU KNOW WHERE IT IS AND INKS ROOM IS DOWN THE HALL." Swap spoke as you walked into the room with him. Glancing at the bed, it looked nice, big too.

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