Twenty-two. Cell.

157 11 3

Voting ends: September 7th

Hello everyone, I'm so so sorry for such a late update but here's what happened if you didn't read the now-deleted update chapter:
So, my Google doc ended up glitching, turning my doc into a mess of humbled words. Once I could get into it without it crashing I had to find a new place to put my story so this didn't happen then copy and past the story (I had to do it like this to not get the gumbled mess of words into it because there where there every few hundred words). It took a while but I did it.
Then I had to redo the whole of this chapter because you could barely read anything that was happening.
That was just with the story, outside of the story however here is the list:
- Almost got in between a car crash while on a walk
- I got sick several times and had to go to the hospital because it was getting so bad.
Anyways, enjoy!


The door creaking open makes you glance back, the cell door wide open with Cross taking out the key. With a sigh, you walk in.

As you quickly glance around the new cell showed just how much cleaner it was, it wasn't the cleanest but still much better than the last cell you were in. Turning around to face Cross you give him a small smile.

He doesn't smile back at you. You glance down, staring at your slowly redening sleeve with a frown.

You do have bandages... But those are dirty, you wouldn't want to give the wound more chances to get an infection than it already has. Cross might be kind enough to get you some.

You stare at him as he closes the cell door, locking it and taking out the key.

Your eyes search his body for a moment before you open your mouth to speak.

"Uh... Do you think you could get me some bandages, please?" You utter, almost silently. He pauses from his spot, staring at you almost like he was in disbelief that you were asking.

He sighs, turning so his back is to you before saying "Just this once" Before walking away. You grasp one of the clean bars (making sure to avoid the rusting ones) with your non-wounded arm, watching him walk away.

You step back, staring down at the still bleeding wound for a moment before putting your hand back on it for a bit of pressure. The blood slowly leaking down the shirt, making it more dirty with each passing moment.

With a quiet groan, you slump back, basically falling onto the hard bed before cringing and moving the scratchy blanket out of the way.

You lean against the wall, letting your eyes slide shut. Your hand clutched the bloody shirt, covering the hand in the sticky substance.

Time passes for a while before your peaceful bliss is interrupted by a sudden shout at the door. "Heya" is all that's spoken but it's enough to make you open your eyes in confusion.

On the other side of the bars is none other than Killer. He's leaning against them like he's trying to come off as cool.

It's not working.

"Hello," You respond, your hand tightening on your arm without much thought. You loosen it the second it sends a sharp pain through your body, the adrenaline must be wearing off.

"I see the cutie got a new cell, what, did you not like the one I picked out for you?" Killer snarks, turning to stare at you dead in the eyes.

You stare back with an unimpressed look, giving him a single word in response. "No."

Interdimensional Infatuation (Sans Au x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now