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Charlie and Nick had been together for over a year when Nick got accepted to a college across the country. Charlie was happy for him, but also really sad. They had been inseparable for months, spending all their free time together, going on adventures, and exploring new places. Charlie had never felt so connected to someone before, and he knew that Nick felt the same way.

When it was time for Nick to leave, they hugged each other tightly and promised to stay in touch. Charlie watched as Nick got into his car and drove away, feeling a sense of emptiness in his heart. He knew that he wouldn't see Nick for a long time, and that made him really sad.

Over the next few weeks, Charlie tried to keep himself busy. He hung out with his friends, went to the movies, and even took up a new hobby. But no matter what he did, he couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness that had settled over him. He missed Nick so much, and he didn't know how to cope with the distance.

One day, Charlie decided to write Nick a letter. He poured his heart out onto the paper, telling Nick how much he missed him and how much he loved him. He talked about all the things they had done together and all the things he wished they could do in the future. He told Nick how proud he was of him for getting into college, and how much he believed in him.

When Charlie finished the letter, he felt a sense of relief. He had finally been able to express his feelings, and he knew that Nick would appreciate it. He put the letter in an envelope and sent it off to Nick's college.

A few days later, Charlie received a letter back from Nick. In it, Nick told Charlie how much he had missed him too, and how much he appreciated the letter. He talked about all the new things he was experiencing in college, and how much he wished Charlie could be there with him. He told Charlie how much he loved him, and how much he looked forward to seeing him again.

Reading the letter from Nick made Charlie feel so much better. He realized that even though they were far apart, their love was still strong. They continued to write letters to each other, and sometimes they even talked on the phone. Charlie knew that it was going to be hard, but he also knew that they had something special, and that nothing could ever change that.

started to focus more on the present moment, and on the things that made him happy. He realized that he didn't have to be with Nick all the time to feel happy and fulfilled. He could still enjoy his life, even when Nick wasn't around.

Charlie started to explore his own interests, and he discovered that he was really passionate about photography. He started taking pictures of everything he saw, from the mountains to the desert to the city skyline. He even started a photography blog, where he shared his photos with the world.

Nick loved Charlie's photography, and he was always excited to see what new pictures he had taken. They talked about Charlie's photography all the time, and Nick even suggested that Charlie should take a photography class at his college.

Charlie loved the idea, and he decided to sign up for a class. He was nervous at first, but he quickly realized that he was really good at photography. He loved learning about the different techniques and styles, and he loved being able to express himself through his photos.

When Nick came home for winter break, Charlie showed him all the pictures he had taken in the photography class. Nick was blown away by how talented Charlie was, and he told him that he was so proud of him.

That moment was one of the happiest moments of Charlie's life. He realized that even though he and Nick were apart, they were still connected. They still loved each other, and they still supported each other's dreams.

Charlie knew that the distance was hard, but he also knew that it was worth it. He and Nick had something special, and they were both willing to do whatever it took to make it work. They continued to write letters to each other, and they talked on the phone whenever they could. They even made plans to visit each other during the summer.

Charlie was excited to see Nick again, but he was also excited to continue exploring his own interests. He knew that he didn't have to give up his own dreams just because he was in a long-distance relationship. He could still be his own person, and he could still be happy.

As the years went by, Charlie and Nick continued to grow and change. They both graduated from college, and they both started their own careers. They moved in together, and they started building a life together.

Looking back on their journey, Charlie realized that the distance had been hard, but it had also been worth it. It had taught him how to be independent, how to be patient, and how to be resilient. It had also

taught him the true meaning of love. He knew that he and Nick had something special, something that could withstand anything life threw their way.

Charlie smiled as he thought about their future together. He knew that there would be challenges, but he also knew that they would face them together. He knew that they would continue to grow and change, but he also knew that they would always love each other.

As he looked out at the desert landscape, Charlie felt grateful for everything that had led him to this moment. He was grateful for the distance, because it had taught him so much about himself and about love. He was grateful for Nick, because he had shown him what true love looked like. And he was grateful for his own journey, because it had led him here, to this beautiful moment in the middle of the desert.

Charlie took a deep breath, feeling the warm desert air fill his lungs. He closed his eyes and smiled, feeling the sun on his face. He knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be, with the person he was meant to be with.

As he opened his eyes, he saw Nick walking towards him, a smile on his face. Charlie grinned, feeling his heart fill with love. He stood up, and the two of them embraced, holding each other tight.

"Happy anniversary," Nick whispered in Charlie's ear.

"Happy anniversary," Charlie replied, feeling tears of joy in his eyes.

They pulled back from each other, and Nick took Charlie's hand. Together, they walked towards the car, ready to start the next chapter of their journey together.

As they drove away, Charlie looked out the window, feeling grateful for everything that had led him to this moment. He knew that there would be challenges ahead, but he also knew that they would face them together, with love in their hearts and hope in their souls.

A/n I've been working on this for awhile what do you guys think

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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