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In a beautiful garden full of colourful flowers and swaying trees, two kids Rivaan and Sanvi were playing with a cool toy dragon, shining in the sunlight like it was real magic. With lots of giggles and whispers, they made up stories about the dragon having exciting adventures, flying high and fighting make-believe bad guys.

Sanvi laughed and danced around the dragon, imagining riding one of them while Rivaan was humming a song, watching her laugh as he made a story of an evil dragon, and represented himself as a prince, Sanvi as a princess and the toy dragon as an evil dragon. 

''Sanvi'' a voice retorted in the garden halting them, they stopped playing and saw Sanvi's mother, Mrs Mehra come running in their direction. She stopped in front of the kids and glared at both of them.  

"Sanvi, it's time to go home, Don't play with this kid again" Her mother announced firmly, her tone brooking no argument as she reached for her daughter's hand.

''Mumma, please I want to play with Riv'' Sanvi spoke, holding Rivaan's hand firmly but her mother snatched her hand harshly, as her nail scratched the fragile hand of Rivaan, leaving it all red. 

''I am telling you for the last time, don't play with this motherless kid'' she yelled at her daughter who shivered and looked at Rivaan, who was rubbing his wrist with the tears filled in his eyes as a red mark appeared on his soft skin.

''Why- why can't she play with Riv'' he spoke slowly, his eyes filled with tears as he spoke in a harsh tone. Sanvi's face fell, and disappointed tears brimmed in her bright eyes. She cast a longing glance at Rivaan, feeling bad for her new friend.

''Because I don't want my daughter to have a negative influence, you don't have a mother and God knows what your politician father taught you'' she screamed at the Rivaan, his eyes brimmed with more tears which were ready to fall any moment. 

''But she likes dragons, I share my toy with her'' Rivaan spoke as he got to know that his new friend liked the Dragon stuff toy, and that is the reason she wanted to play with him and he was even ready to share it with her. Mrs Mehra snatched that stuffed toy from him and threw it in the corner of the garden making it dirty in mud. 

''I said you can't play with my daughter and the kids of our community'' she said and was about to push Rivaan harshly. 

''Stop it'' A voice boomed and a girl reached just in time, grabbing him securely, she was none other than Risha. She and Nitya were coming from a photoshoot when they stopped the car nearby and heard all this. Rivaan looked at her and burst out crying, his lips trembling with the continuous crying, She kneeled and gobbled up him in her arms shielding him with her body. 

''What the hell is wrong with you'' Risha screamed at Mrs Mehra, who looked unbothered after causing misery to an innocent soul without any fault.'' It's none of your business'' Mrs Mehra said making Risha grit her teeth in anger. 

''It is my business and he is my family'' she said while Rivaan buried his face in Risha's shoulder, his sobs growing louder as he struggled to contain his emotions. He was never someone who cried over little things, but he felt the warmth in Risha's arms which made him feel the love he had craved for, the security he longed for. Risha wrapped her arms around him, holding him close in a comforting embrace. Her presence was a soothing balm to his wounded heart.

''Mrs Maya Mehra, you work in Allure as a Sales Marketing head'' Nitya spoke while coming into their sight, with a stern expression etched on her face, Nitya stood tall, her voice cutting through the silence like a sharp blade.

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