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I slam my hand down on the control panel, the metal vibrating with the force of my fury. The room falls into stunned silence as controllers glance at each other, unsure of what to do next. My rage became untamable when I got to know that I couldn't go to Sri Lanka right now as there were many flights lined up, and taking my jet could cause a disturbance in the route on the flights.

"I want all flights to and from India and Sri Lanka blocked. Now!" My voice cuts through the air like a blade, every syllable dripping with venom. Chaos erupts as my orders are relayed, controllers scrambling to comply with my demands. The air traffic controllers exchange nervous glances, but none dare challenge my authority. Flights are halted mid-air, rerouted, or grounded, the sky is bending to my will and that is what I want.

My word is law in this country that no one can deny. Every passing moment without her feels like an eternity of agony, driving me to the brink of madness. My heart pounds in my chest, each beat echoing the pain of knowing my precious has been ripped away from me.

As the flight diverted, I went inside my private jet, my chest heaving with each breath, my eyes ablaze with vengeance. The world may tremble before my wrath, but I will stop at nothing, the world has to shed blood for snatching my precious from me.

The world should know what the consequences of snatching my precious from me.

5 hours later

Exiting the jet, I wasted no time in descending the stairs. Each step I took was heavy with purpose, my mind consumed by the burning desire to reclaim what was rightfully mine. Every fibre of my being was ablaze with fury; my precious possession, the very essence of my power, was in the hands of his.

Outside, a line of luxury cars stood gleaming under the Sri Lankan sun, their polished frames shimmering with my logos and I saw Yuvaan standing there with their keys in his hands. When I  was unconscious Yuvaan and Ekansh were the ones who made every arrangement. Without a moment's pause, I made my choice, drawing myself into one of the Rolls Royce Wraiths. 

The leather seats welcomed me as I slid into the driver's side with a sense of urgency. My fingers gripped the steering wheel tightly. With a swift turn of the key, the engine roared to life, a powerful rumble resonating through the car.

With a calculated intensity, I took the wheel, leading the charge towards my destination. In my front car, Yuvaan, Ekansh and Illisha were sitting, as she was guiding all of us the route to my precious. That's her speciality when every hacker fails she starts from there, she had traced the messages of Thrivanthu which resulted in her knowing the exact location. 

Behind me, there were almost 50 cars of my men. The streets of Sri Lanka blurred past as I raced towards my objective, each passing moment intensifying the storm of emotions raging within me.

As soon as I entered the valley I saw a line of men standing with their weapons to block me making me stop my car, Everyman started to come in my direction, seeing my stopped car they thought that they would stop me and I smiled cruelly looking straight into their eyes.

 With a fierce yell, I pressed down on the accelerator, driving straight ahead without caring about anything in my path. I smashed through the blockade of men, one after another, their bodies no match for the power of my car. The sound of metal crunching under my tyres was like music to my ears, fueling my determination even more. All that mattered was having my precious in my arms back again. And today, nothing, absolutely nothing, would stop me.

We are close, I received a text from Illisha and saw then again I saw a group of men rushed towards me, intent on blocking my path. They were sitting on trucks and many more vehicles and were coming in our direction. With a smirk of contempt, I typed Ekansh to slow down the car and opened my dashboard reaching for a grenade, its weight comforting in my hand. I knocked off the upper part of the grenade and opened my door, my car was still at its highest speed and without hesitation, I hurled it towards the oncoming group, and boom. 

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