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I lay there in the soft glow of the moonlight lightly falling on her, she was glowing that I could not resist her, I traced her hair strand falling on her cheeks, twirling it in my fingers I admired her, as she cocoons herself in the crook of my arm, her rhythmic breathing filling the room making me smile. Softly, gazing at her delicate features, I felt struck by how innocent she appeared in her sleep, like a child lost in dreams. I find myself captivated by the sight before me, unable to tear my eyes away from her serene expression. She looks so peaceful, so content as if all the worries of the world have melted away in her sleep.

Looks like I have done one single good deed in my entire life and she is the result of it. 

But it was not just my deed, I did a lot of hard work to have her in my arms. It's not a surprise that I can't do anything for her, so last night I made the circumstances so that she will be in my arms. I was the one who created those riots so that my precious can stay close to me. And I asked them to shoot me too so that it would look like a real attack, not a planned one. And I was successful, not my baby girl is lying on my arms. 

I cannot sleep, as my heart is beating so fucking loud and I would be doomed if I stir in my sleep and her sleep broke, I am familiar with my habits I like to sleep cuddling to my nuzzling into it time to time and placing a pillow under my leg because I love to keep my leg over something, so I if I slept by chance I will end up thinking her as a pillow and that in no second she will kill me with the dagger. I won't mind if she kills me but I want to be alive for the sake of my future kids.

My kids with her sounds tempting to me. 

My thoughts got chained when I heard her mumbling in sleep, I pressed her close to my chest letting her feel my warmth so that she knew that she was safe. She is a mystery, a puzzle waiting to be solved, and yet, in her vulnerability, she is a mess but a beautiful mess of mine. I need to know what is happening with her, why she gets so many nightmares, and why she is so harsh on herself. 

Taking my phone I clicked her pictures, her mouth was slightly open making me drool over her. Clicking her pictures to my heart's content I was about to put my phone down but a message popped up making me frown, it was from Ekansh, I had sent him to check upon the shipments that would be exported today.

"Boss, our shipment Ace was seized by Tharindu Jayawardena'' 

What the fuck, my shipment is stolen. Tharindu Jayawardena is a Srilankaian Mafia, he wants to capture the whole of Asia but it won't be possible as long as I am here. That bitch even know it cost, it was fucking 700 million dollars, and he stole it. I will give him the worst fucking death for messing with me. 

I was about to type back that I would be there but realized my precious is still sleeping peacefully in my arms, I need to let this matter go for now. This night is dedicated to my precious, and I won't move an inch without her. 

''Forget it we will handle it later'' I typed the message back placed the phone back on the table, and pecked her nose lightly. Things I do for you my precious, I mumbled and continued weaving her hair with my fingers.


A warehouse can be seen in which, a man in his thirties, hidden in the shadows, sets up a camera with determination. He carefully adjusts the lens for a clear view and arranges documents and evidence in front of it. Taking a step back, he looks over his work, knowing this isn't an ordinary video. It results from years of hard work and a chance to reveal Riddhaan's terrible crimes to the world. He was appointed to do a sting operation on RVS and he is successful in it now. It wasn't easy but now it is going to be worth it. All he has to send this video to the news channel and RVS will be exposed.

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