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I stirred from the depths of slumber, the soft glow of morning filtering through the curtains. My eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the light. The familiar scent of our room—a blend of sandalwood and the faintest hint of lavender—filled my senses, grounding me in the present. As I became more aware of my surroundings, I felt the weight of an arm draped possessively over me, holding me close. I turned my head slightly, and there he was—Riddhaan, my husband, sounds cute, still lost in his peaceful sleep. I remember I drifted off in the garden itself, he must have brought me.

As I watched him sleep, his features softened by the light of dawn. His lips, slightly parted in sleep, held a faint hint of a smile, and I felt a rush of affection for this man who had captured my sanity so completely. He was shirtless, as was usual for us at home, and the sight always sent a little jolt of desire through me, as his bread touched my bosom which was laced with a bra only.

My eyes fluttered open, and a smile bloomed on my face. There he was, sprawled across the bed like a starfish, one arm possessively wrapped around me, pulling me close. His face was nestled against my chest, hidden in the valley formed by my shoulder and collarbone. His breathing was slow and even, the rhythm a lullaby that soothed my soul.

I couldn't help but smile at the sight. My baby looked so serene, so completely at peace. I took a moment to admire him, my heart swelling with love and adoration. His dark hair was tousled, giving him an endearing boyish look. His plump lips, slightly parted, invited a touch of envy—they were fuller and more kissable than mine. His long lashes rested against his cheeks, casting delicate shadows that danced with each breath he took.

His hair is a mesmerizing mix of brown and black, with the black strands dominating the brown ones. An irresistible urge wells up inside me to count his brown hairs. Giving in my thoughts, I begin to count. One... two... three...  My fingers move through his hair gently, my eyes focused intently on each brown strand I encounter. The world around us fades into a blur, and it's just me, him, and the strands of hair that have become my entire universe.

Seven thousand eight hundred and seven. He has exactly seven thousand eight hundred and seven brown hairs. I smile to myself, feeling a strange sense of accomplishment knowing that even I know the details of his hair.

Unable to resist any longer, I gently shifted, freeing one of my legs from his embrace. I inched closer, pressing my body against his, and wrapped my arm around his waist, pulling him even closer. I rested my head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. It was a sound that never failed to calm me, to make me feel safe and loved.

His breath hitched slightly, and I felt him stir again. This time, his lashes fluttered open, revealing his deep brown eyes. He blinked a few times, disoriented, before his gaze focused on me. A sleepy smile spread across his face, and I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Good morning, Mrs Riddhaan" he murmured, his voice husky with sleep.

"Good morning, Mr Nitya" I whispered back, unable to hide the smile in my voice.

He tightened his arms around me, pulling me even closer. "I must have been dreaming, I woke up and found an angel in my arms, smiling like never before" A blush crept up my cheeks at his words, my heart fluttering in response to the adoration reflected in his gaze. At that moment, I felt as though I could drown in the depths of his eyes, so full of love and devotion for me.

''It's our first morning after Marriage'' he mumbled and  I nodded at him, I never imagined myself to be a married person yet I am now married to him.

''There are some rituals that need to be done, if you are comfortable'' he asked and I nodded in understanding, a soft smile playing on my lips. Honestly, I am Indian but I have spent most of my time in France and Australia so I am a little less aware of the culture, but I know he is a religious man and connected to his culture, so I can learn from him.

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