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A 14-year-old girl was lying tied on the bed naked, bruises and scars splatted all over her fragile form, each one screaming the unspeakable horrors she had endured. Her limbs trembled with exhaustion and fear as she remained motionless, resigned to her dreadful fate. While two men were standing in front of her, laughing at her misery, one of the men threw his pants and hovered over her.

''Please no I beg you'' she whispered tirelessly, her body was not ready to give up as she struggled more, but a tight slap by the man landed on her face. She cried she wanted to fight but her body gave up, as soon as she felt his disgusting hands running over her naked clit she knew it was over, she knew now she cannot save herself, she knew her soul will be tainted forever now.

The man pressed his burning cigarette over her naked clit making her scream in pain but as soon as a scream left her mouth the man cupped her mouth harshly while pressing the cigarette more.

At that moment, she felt like she was drowning in darkness, suffocating under the weight of her own baggage. She had reached a point where death seemed like the only escape from the relentless torment that had burdened her existence. With tears dried on her cheeks, she gazed into the eyes of her tormentor, her soul heavy with the burden of a life she never asked for.

"Such a fragile doll of mine" he whispered, his words dripping with cruelty as his fingers traced over her trembling form. His touch made her skin crawl, igniting a fire of loathing within her soul. Every touch felt like a violation, a reminder of the powerlessness that consumed her.

''Ready my little doll'' the man taunted, his voice sending shivers down her spine again and was ready to pounce on her but the door bashed over the right time and a man raging in anger entered. 

As the man burst through the shattered door, his figure emerged from the darkness. He stood tall, his fierce intensity that dared anyone to challenge him. His face was stern, his eyes filled with a fierce determination that seemed to say, "Don't mess with me." His presence filled the room with an undeniable authority. Commanding and imposing, with eyes blazing with determination, he fixed his gaze upon the girl. At that moment, she felt a glimmer of hope flicker within her shattered spirit.

His eyes went to the girl and he instantly looked away, the other man's eyes widened they knew who was he, and they both quickly ran away from the room leaving the broken girl. He picked up the sheet that covered the girl fully and took her on his arm. The girl didn't take a minute to melt in his arms, she recognised his touch. He was her father's friend and the only one in the world that cared for her.

With steady hands, he wrapped a sheet around her trembling frame, cocooning her in a fragile shield against the harsh realities of the world. The fabric brushed against her skin like a tender caress, offering a fleeting moment of respite from the agony that gnawed at her heart.

As he lifted her into his arms, she leaned into his embrace, seeking solace in the warmth of his touch. In his arms, she felt a sense of safety she had long forgotten, a peace amidst the chaos that threatened to consume her.

"Superman, they hurt your Jaana," she sobbed, her voice choked with anguish. "They broke your little bubble."

Her words pierced the air like a dagger, carrying with them the weight of her brokenness, the rawness of her pain. At that moment, she felt like a fragile doll, tossed aside and discarded by those who had once claimed to care for her.

But as she buried her face against his chest, her tears mingling with the fabric of his shirt, she found a glimmer of hope for her survival. In his arms, she was not alone. In his arms, she found a protector, a guardian who would shield her from the cruelty of the world.

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