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As I slowly rouse from sleep, a soft groan escapes my lips, mingling with the quiet morning air. Blinking away the tiredness of slumber, I find myself cradled in the warmth of Risha's embrace. Her form is curled around me, her breaths soft and steady as she dreams. I watch her for a moment, her features softened by sleep, her lips moving in whispered murmurs, perhaps lost in dreams of Yuvaan.

Glancing at the clock, I note that it's already 10 a.m. Memories of yesterday flood my mind, reminding me of the comfort I sought in Riddhaan, I found myself sleeping on his lap. He had looked so peaceful as he slept, his features softened by the embrace of slumber. His messy hair tumbled across his forehead, and his lips were slightly parted, I badly wanted to kiss them, so I followed my heart and pecked his lips slightly.

Cause he deserves an award for handling me in my most vulnerable form, But I had to leave because Dad messaged me, and I need to tell me that I have done what I wanted in my life, I have successfully punished my culprits. 

For in that moment, as I watched him sleep, I realized the depth of my feelings for him. He's the one I truly desire. The way he cradled my vulnerability without a hint of pity, the way he cared for me with unwavering strength—it all spoke to me on a level I couldn't ignore. In his arms, I felt safe and cherished, a sensation I hadn't known I craved until now. He'd been the one to hold me together when I was at my most fragile, the one to remind me of my strength while acknowledging my pain. No sympathy, just raw acceptance.

For so long, my life had been consumed by thoughts of revenge, by the need to right the wrongs of the past. Now that my mission is accomplished, I find myself adrift, without purpose or direction. What do I do now that the driving force behind my existence has vanished?

What do people do after completing their goals?

As I lie in Risha's embrace, I can't shake the feeling of being lost, of being adrift in a sea of uncertainty. I had thought that achieving my revenge would bring me closure, would bring me peace. But now that it's done, I find myself more lost than ever before. What now? What comes next? These questions echo in the recesses of my mind, their answers elusive and uncertain. All I know is that I feel empty, and hollow, as though a part of me has been ripped away. And in that emptiness, I fear I may lose myself completely.

Suddenly a phone ring disturbed me and I noticed it was Riddhaan calling me, I hurriedly picked up the call.

''Why did you leave precious'' His words washed over me like a gentle wave, carrying with them a warmth that I couldn't ignore. His morning voice, deeper than the Pacific Ocean, held a softness that tugged at my heartstrings. I swallowed hard, struggling to find the right words to explain my sudden departure. "I had some work," I finally managed to say, my voice barely audible even to my own ears. I felt disconnected from myself, lost in the whirlwind of emotions that threatened to consume me. 

''You okay na meri Jaan'' The concern in his voice was palpable, wrapping around me like a warm embrace. I closed my eyes, allowing myself to bask in the warmth of his affection, and let out a soft hum in response.

''Okay I got it, you are not and I am coming for you''  he declared, his tone sending a chill down my spine. My heart pounded in my chest as I clutched the phone tighter, panic rising within me. Dad was hell angry when he got to know that I was at his place yesterday and now I don't want to raise his temper. 

''Riddhaan, no it's my wedding tomorrow Dad won't like it'' I answered him and then, in the silence that followed, I heard it. The sound of something breaking, shattering into a million irreparable pieces.

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