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The sun was beginning to set as I made my way towards the ancient Shiv Mandir. My heart was heavy with the weight of the day's events. My daughter, Nitya, had married Riddhaan, and while the world saw it as a union of two souls, but people can't see the beneath line I knew it was much more. I sought not just a blessing for them but also an understanding of the destiny that awaited them.

The path to the temple was familiar yet seemed different this time. The stone steps, worn by the passage of countless devotees, led me up the hill. The temple, perched atop, stood silhouetted against the darkening sky, an imposing figure of peace amidst the chaos of my thoughts.

As I entered the temple hall, the scent of incense and the soft chanting of mantras enveloped me. The temple was serene, and a peace washed over me instantly. I approached the inner sanctum, where the idol of Lord Shiva resided. Bowing my head, I sought solace and guidance.

The cool air and the scent of incense wrapped around me like a comforting shawl. The idol of Lord Shiva stood majestically at the centre, adorned with flowers and offerings from devotees. I knelt before it, my hands folded in prayer, and whispered my deepest wishes. "Please, Lord Shiva, bless them. Let their path be filled with light, not darkness, Don't curse them this time they can't bear the burden of separation more"

Lost in my thoughts, I did not notice the priest approaching. His presence was quiet yet commanding, and when he spoke, his voice carried the weight of ancient wisdom. "Whatever happens, happens for good'' he said, his eyes twinkling with a knowing look.

The priest looked at me thoughtfully. "Have they realized their powers yet?" I shook my head. "No, they haven't."

The priest's eyes seemed to see beyond the present as if he was looking into the very fabric of fate. "You know if Riddhaan is a part of the Sun, then Nitya is no less. Their union is the destruction of the world."

His words sent a chill down my spine. I had witnessed their powers from my eyes and destruction would be the small word to describe their union. Riddhaan, with his fiery energy, was often likened to the Sun, a source of immense power and potential destruction. My daughter, Nitya, had always possessed a strength that I never fully understood, in previous Yugas we have seen her powers but it wasn't her full energy, yet it destroyed half of the world. Her name, meaning 'eternal,' seemed to hint at something beyond the ordinary, she is the flame that can consume everything.

"Come with me" he commanded me, and I followed him to a small alcove within the temple, where a flame burned steadily, casting flickering shadows on the walls. "This flame represents the balance of the universe" he explained. "Just as it can provide light and warmth, it can also consume and destroy."

I stared at the flame, its dance hypnotic, and thought about Nitya and Riddhaan. Their powers, their destinies intertwined, were like this flame. I had seen glimpses of their abilities, but I had never fully understood their potential or the consequences of their union.

"Pandit ji" I began, my voice trembling slightly, "what must I do to ensure that their union brings light and not destruction?"

The priest placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Have faith, my son. Guide them with wisdom and love. Teach them to harness their powers for good. The universe has a way of balancing itself, but it is up to them to choose their path, we are just spectators of the play that lord Shiva has constructed"

His words resonated deep within me. I realized that while I could not control their destinies, I could influence them through love, guidance, and understanding. I could help them see the potential for good within their union and encourage them to use their powers wisely.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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