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I was engrossed in my office work when a familiar ringtone interrupted me, and my heart skipped a beat as I glanced at the caller ID. It was none other than Chandani, my favourite human being. A broad smile spread across my face as I eagerly picked up the call, greeted by her energetic voice booming through the screen.

"Hey Nia, missed me?" Chandani's voice filled the room, her adorable dimple smile making my heart swell with affection. She waved at me enthusiastically, and I couldn't help but laugh at her infectious energy. Yes, she called me Nia, and I affectionately referred to her as Chand.

Returning her wave, I asked, "How are you, Chand?" My gaze softened as I noticed her wearing an oversized shirt, likely belonging to ASR, with her hair left cascading freely down her shoulders. I couldn't help but notice that her hair looked wet as if she had just taken a shower. "Shower at 3 in the afternoon, weird" I thought to myself, but I pushed the thought aside, focusing on Chandani's cheerful demeanour..

"You know I've been missing you so bad since the party. We haven't had a chance to catch up properly'' Chandani confessed, a hint of sadness lacing her voice. My heart melted at the sight of her adorable pout. She can't light up anyone's day. Is that bad that I found her so adorable, like she is so cute and squishy, her puffed cheeks and dimples?

"No problem, we can meet today. I'm free after 5" I offered, earning a bright grin from Chandani in response. Her lips escaped Really in excitement flaunting her gorgeous dimples.

Before we could continue our conversation, Chandani suddenly squealed, causing her phone to slip from her grasp. "Ahh Shiv, stop!" she exclaimed, frustration evident in her tone. I couldn't help but chuckle, knowing that ASR must have been up to his usual antics again. I am now habitual of seeing his whipped antics over calls and through his interviews, he never forgets to mention the name of his wife in public claiming her as his.

"You're such a vampire" Chandani scolded playfully, hitting his chest lightly as she retrieved her phone. The camera accidentally faced the bed, casting the screen into darkness, so I couldn't see, but I could imagine ASR's mischievous grin. That guy was always hovering around her.

"Sorry, this idiot bear is biting my finger" Chandani explained, redirecting the camera towards ASR. There he was, lying with his head nestled in her lap, his face buried in her stomach as he clutched the comforter around him. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

"Hi ASR" I greeted, catching his attention. He turned slightly, and I couldn't help but notice the faint blush colouring his neck and ears. Was he blushing? His wet hair suggested they'd just shared a romantic shower together. ASR managed a small "hi" in response before retreating back into his cozy position. I grinned, knowing that despite his tough exterior, ASR was a softie when it came to Chandani.

Chandani chuckled as ASR playfully nipped at her finger again, earning a gasp from her as she shot him a mock glare. Her cheeks flushed a bright shade of red as she turned to face him. "Leave him, he's a polar bear, and his hibernating mode is on today" she explained, her tone affectionate despite his antics, she held her phone in one hand and massaged his head from another one. I couldn't help but smile at their playful banter. It was evident how comfortable they were with each other.

But ASR wasn't done yet, he kept on doing stuff to irritate her in between our conversations. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she turned her attention back to ASR. "If you don't behave, I will call Ishaan and ask him to sleep between us" she threatened, her tone teasing but firm.

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